Hi Team, 

Please help me to resolve me below topics urgently:- 

1. Unable to remove duplicate message in broker.below Is my Code and config 

Producer Coding Related:- 
PulsarClient pulsarClient = PulsarClient.builder() 
.serviceUrl( "pulsar://192.168.x.x:6650" ) 
Producer producer = pulsarClient.newProducer() 
.producerName( "producer-1" ) 
.topic( "persistent://public/default/topic-1" ) 
.sendTimeout( 0 , TimeUnit.SECONDS) 

Configuration Side:- 
# Set the default behavior for message deduplication in the broker 
# This can be overridden per-namespace. If enabled, broker will reject 
# messages that were already stored in the topic 

# Maximum number of producer information that it's going to be 
# persisted for deduplication purposes 

# Number of entries after which a dedup info snapshot is taken. 
# A larger interval will lead to fewer snapshots being taken, though it would 
# increase the topic recovery time when the entries published after the 
# snapshot need to be replayed. 

# Time of inactivity after which the broker will discard the deduplication 
# relative to a disconnected producer. Default is 6 hours. 

2. If we produce 50000 message for a particular topic,At subscriber end we are 
getting less message for that same topic. 
We are able to produce asyn data.but not getting same in consumer side 

Producer Side Code:- 

public class PulsarProducer { 
private PulsarClient client; 
public PulsarProducer() throws PulsarClientException { 
client = PulsarClient.builder() 

public Producer<String> getProducer(String topic) throws PulsarClientException 
return client.newProducer(Schema.STRING) 
.sendTimeout(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS) 


Producer<String> producer = FilterUnit.producer.getProducer("topic"); 
JSONArray recs = new JSONArray( instjson ); 
for (int i = 0; i < recs.length(); i++) { 
JSONObject obj = recs.getJSONObject(i); 

Consumer Side Code:- 

PulsarClient client = 

Consumer<String> consumer = client.newConsumer(Schema.STRING) 

while (true) { 
// Wait for a message 
Message msg = consumer.receive(); 
try { 
if (msg.getValue() != null && !msg.getValue().toString().isEmpty()) { 
System.out.println("VALUE :-" + msg.getValue() ); 
// Acknowledge the message so that it can be deleted by the message broker 
} catch (Exception e) { 

Thanks & Regards, 
Tarik Afwas 
Software Engineer 
[ http://www.bcits.co.in/ | BCITS Pvt Ltd. ] 
Mobile : +91 7676811033 
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