2020-03-08 09:25:08 UTC - Atif: Getting the following error while trying to 
build against the latest commit-:
  Time elapsed: 0.009 s  <<< FAILURE!
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving method 
 the class loader (instance of 
org/powermock/core/classloader/javassist/JavassistMockClassLoader) of the 
current class, 
 and the class loader (instance of sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader) for the 
method's defining class, org/jclouds/ContextBuilder, have different Class 
objects for the type com/google/common/base/Supplier used in the signature```
2020-03-08 09:40:25 UTC - Atif: Getting another similar error while trying to 
build from branch-2.5

```Failed to execute goal 
(default-testCompile) on project pulsar-client-original: Compilation failure: 
Compilation failure:
 incompatible types: org.joda.time.LocalDate cannot be converted to 
Am i doing something wrong?

``` mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)
Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec
Java version: 1.8.0_242, vendor: AdoptOpenJDK, runtime: 
Default locale: en_IN, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.15.3", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
➜  pulsar git:(2b5cc0d60f) java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_242"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 1.8.0_242-b08)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 25.242-b08, mixed mode)```
2020-03-08 10:33:32 UTC - Atif: Also get the following error when trying to 
deploy using helm-:

```helm install --values pulsar/values-mini.yaml ./pulsar --generate-name
Error: YAML parse error on pulsar/templates/broker-configmap.yaml: error 
converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 40: mapping values are not allowed in this 
2020-03-08 16:21:18 UTC - Sijie Guo: What is your helm version? 2 or 3?
2020-03-09 04:50:58 UTC - Atif: helm version
GitCommit:"ac925eb7279f4a6955df663a0128044a8a6b7593", GitTreeState:"clean", 

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