2020-02-12 14:34:26 UTC - Ashwin Kapur: Hi. Just looking at the 
pulsar-client-cpp source. Couple of thoughts and questions. 1) Patching 
protobuf and using the patched version seems to make building needlessly 
difficult. Since your goal is to use something protobuf like but without 
needless memory allocations, why not use google flatbuffers 
<https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/> instead. Designed precisely for this 
use case instead of patching something designed for a different purpose. If you 
do in fact do this, use flatbuffers 1.10 or build from source from the repo. 
The maven distribution of 1.11 is borked and has been for a long time. 2) You 
seem to be using CMake using the old style of CMake which means you have to 
specify every directory of headers etc. If you use the new style of Cmake which 
means you state your dependencies and let CMake figure everything out, see for 
example <https://gist.github.com/mbinna/c61dbb39bca0e4fb7d1f73b0d66a4fd1>, this 
makes using tools like Conan and vcpkg really easy and makes the build much 
simpler. Would you be open to a pull request that did 2.
2020-02-12 14:37:31 UTC - Ashwin Kapur: In the short term, instead of 1, would 
it be possible to check in PulsarApi.pb.h and 
<http://PulsarApi.pb.cc|PulsarApi.pb.cc> into the repository.
2020-02-12 14:39:28 UTC - Ashwin Kapur: If the PulsarApi.pb files aren't 
committed to github, it makes writing a conan or vcpkg file exponentially 
2020-02-12 14:56:17 UTC - Ashwin Kapur: Adding on the the benefit of 1. With 
flatbuffers you don't just have no memory allocation, you also don't have a 
serialization and de serialization step. At least in C++, serialization is just 
writing to specific locations in memory. Deserialization is just reading from a 
specific memory location. Not sure how this is implemented in Java given that 
you don't really have the same low level facilities.
2020-02-12 15:14:24 UTC - Ashwin Kapur: So it seems someone may have already 
asked for the <http://PulsarApi.pb.cc|PulsarApi.pb.cc> and PulsarApi.pb.h to be 
committed to the repo. Quoting from the bottom of  protobuf/README.md
### For C++ Client:

The pre-generated C++ code is at `pulsar-client-cpp/lib/PulsarApi.pb.cc` and 
2020-02-12 15:14:44 UTC - Ashwin Kapur: The code is not there in the github 
repository or the source distribution.
2020-02-12 15:22:16 UTC - Ashwin Kapur: Also from protobuf/README.md in the 
apache-pulsar-2.5.0 source distribution

To re-generate the `PulsarApi.java` code you need to apply a patch to the 
protobuf generator. Patch is found in `build/docker/protobuf.patch`.

#### Commands for creating the pre-generated Java code

export PULSAR_HOME=&lt;Path where you cloned the pulsar repo&gt;

cd $HOME
git clone <https://github.com/google/protobuf.git>

cd ${HOME}/protobuf
git checkout v2.4.1

### Apply patch
patch -p1 &lt; ${PULSAR_HOME}/build/docker/protobuf.patch

### Compile protobuf
autoreconf --install

### Re-generate PulsarApi
cd ${PULSAR_HOME}/pulsar-common/
export PROTOC=${HOME}/protobuf/src/protoc

Or you can use the pre-built protoc included in `pulsar-build` docker image to 
generate java protobuf files.
2020-02-12 15:22:59 UTC - Ashwin Kapur: Now if I go to the pulsar source 
directory there is no directory called build and find . -name protobuf.patch 
gives me no files
2020-02-12 17:00:57 UTC - Yannis Weishaupt: @Yannis Weishaupt has joined the 
2020-02-12 17:20:58 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Ashwin Kapur the project started when 
flatbuffer doesn’t exist. so for backward compatibility issue, we stayed with 
protobuf at this moment. For sure we can consider using flatbuffer for future 
releases, it requires a huge effort for changing all these implementations and 
it also need consider backward compatibility. It might be doable through the 
current protocol handler mechanism to add a flatbuffer based protocol handler.

just to correct one thing, we only used a customize protoc for java code 
generation. for the cpp and go code are using the organic protoc. in c++ client 
build process, cmake will automatically generate the files.

We can consider adding those generated files to the repo as needed. If you want 
to contribute a pull request for it, that would be great!

If you run `cmake` in the cpp client project, the files are generated under 
`./pulsar-client-cpp/generated/lib/PulsarApi.pb.cc` and 
2020-02-12 17:49:36 UTC - Ali Ahmed: @Ashwin Kapur I did take a stab it
2020-02-12 17:51:19 UTC - Ali Ahmed: took a look conan didn’t really try it
2020-02-12 23:38:16 UTC - Eugen: 
<https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/functions-state/> says Functions State is in 
developer preview since 2.1.0 - is that still so, or is this considered stable 
2020-02-13 00:56:05 UTC - Sijie Guo: unfortunately, it is still in developer 
preview. we are lagging behind in this area.
2020-02-13 01:25:52 UTC - Eugen: gotcha!

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