Hi Ali,

Thank you for compiling the issues together.

However, I think the immediate action is to ask INFRA to revert the
settings back to make Jenkins CI as required.
Here is the reason:

1) I don't think the Github Actions are stable enough to cover Jenkins CI.
There are still Github Actions that can't run successfully.
2) Changing the required checks for pull requests should be done via a
discussion and vote thread in the ASF mailing list. I didn't see any
discussion in the mailing list (unless I missed the email). The change
wasn't done in the Apache way.

- Sijie

On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 10:37 PM Ali Ahmed <alahmed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Github actions went live there have been some reported . am looking into
> them. Here are the issues compiled below.
> 1) Some PR's are stuck and don't run github actions.
> They are two reasons for these one they are not rebased with giithub
> workflow changes.
> They are markdown only changes in the pr this is an unexpected issue as I
> excluded documentation only changes . This conflicts with required rule to
> have a result from the job .
> The fix is simple rebase old pr's and remove the documentation filter.
> 2) License check job always fails
> There is simple reason for this maven has been upgraded to 3.6.2 in the
> base image , license check is know to fail for that version I have build
> custom github action task to downgrade the maven version.
> Here is the pr https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/5874
> 3) General test stability
> Nothing specific to github actions we can fine tune the test groups further
> to optimize runs.

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