2019-11-29 18:56:46 UTC - Fredrick P Eisele: The documentation for pulsar 
functions does not seem to describe how the archive for a function is to be 
My attempts seem to indicate that it must be an uber jar.
This is odd because connectors 
<https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/io-develop/#creating-a-nar-package> appear 
to encourage NAR archives and uberjars and at a minimum indicate how this may 
be done in maven.
My question is should function archives be uberjars?
Why not nar files?
Is there documentation for making function archives and I am just missing it?
2019-11-29 21:37:30 UTC - David Kjerrumgaard: @Fredrick P Eisele Pulsar 
functions support either approach. Which one you choose is a matter of 

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