
Thanks for comments!

If there is no objection, let's create a separate repo.

By the way I don't know the flow to create new repos in apache/ org.

Please inform us if you know how to do.

Best Regards,


差出人: Sijie Guo <guosi...@gmail.com>
送信日時: 2019年2月27日 20:20:11
宛先: Dev
件名: Re: [DISCUSSION] Creating new repository for node.js client

I wish we can create a separate Github org and doing similar things as what
CNCF projects are doing (in a Github way :)). But it is ASF :-)

So we can do what Ali suggested to create separate repos in apache org,
naming it as `pulsar-client-<language>` and having a guideline for that.

So +1 from me on using separate repo for nodejs client.

- Sijie

On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 4:33 PM Nozomi Kurihara <nkuri...@yahoo-corp.jp>

> Hi all,
> Currently we(Yahoo Japan) are developing node.js client by wrapping C++
> client.
> I think it's nice to create another git repository for node.js client like
> "apache/pulsar-client-node" in order to avoid making "apache/pulsar" too
> big.
> Do you have any ideas of the policy for creating/maintaining orgs and
> repositories?
> Best Regards,
> Nozomi

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