2019-02-11 03:01:13 UTC - jia zhai: Hi @Matteo Merli and @Sijie Guo :slightly_smiling_face: I have a question regarding ‘maxTotalReceiverQueueSizeAcrossPartitions’ in Consumer client setting. at the time of partitioned consumer been created, it is used as `conf.getMaxTotalReceiverQueueSizeAcrossPartitions() / numPartitions`. But we now support auto update for topic partitions, so when partitions increased, this will cause the partitioned consumer have a QueueSize bigger than configured value. ---- 2019-02-11 03:02:50 UTC - Matteo Merli: I think that will be mostly ok. There is no easy solution there ---- 2019-02-11 03:03:39 UTC - Matteo Merli: Maybe we could restrict the permits even though the actual queue size is not changed ---- 2019-02-11 03:04:38 UTC - jia zhai: Yes, there seem be no easy solution. ----