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> On Nov 12, 2018, at 2:28 AM, Ivan Kelly <> wrote:
> Hi Koushik,
>> I just got introduced to Apache pulsar and studying it to solve a problem at 
>> hand.
>> As I understand that Pulsar supports 1M of topics, Is there any limitation 
>> on no.of producers and subscribers that brokers can handle? I have the 
>> following use cases.
> The limit of how many producers and consumers a broker can serve is a
> function of the network bandwidth and CPU of that broker. However, the
> way Pulsar is designed, if the number of producers/consumers becomes
> too large for the number of brokers you have, you can add broker
> nodes, and some topics will move to the new nodes, balancing your load
> on all the machines.
> In terms of consumers, depending on which kind of consumer you use,
> these may count towards the 1M topic limit. The real limit in pulsar
> is the amount of metadata that can be stored in zookeeper. Everything
> else can be scaled horizontally. Each topic has one piece of metadata
> that belongs to the topic itself. However, each durable subscription
> (as is the default) also has one piece of metadata. So in the examples
> you give below, if you are creating consumers using
> PulsarClient#newSubscriber(), you will have ~200k pieces of metadata
> stored in ZK. ZK can easily hold 200k pieces of metadata. I think the
> highest I've seen it go is 2M pieces of metadata.
>> Usecase 1 :  Few hundred producers producing to 100k topics, and each topic 
>> has corresponding consumer (i.e 100k consumers) trying to consume messages 
>> from its topic. To summarize ~100k clients interacting with brokers here.
>> Usecase 2 :  100k producing to corresponding topic (i.e 100k topics), and 
>> each topic has corresponding consumer (i.e 100k consumers) trying to consume 
>> messages from its topic. To summarize ~200k clients interacting with brokers 
>> here.
> Both these usecases look very doable with Pulsar.
> Regards,
> Ivan

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