

[github] CLI for setting schema update policy (#2788)

[...truncated 818.29 KB...]
2018-10-15T12:50:11.012 [INFO] Downloaded from central:
 (2.7 kB at 49 kB/s)
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 (1.6 kB at 147 kB/s)
2018-10-15T12:50:11.040 [INFO] Downloading from central:
2018-10-15T12:50:11.040 [INFO] Downloading from central:
2018-10-15T12:50:11.040 [INFO] Downloading from central:
2018-10-15T12:50:11.041 [INFO] Downloading from central:
2018-10-15T12:50:11.041 [INFO] Downloading from central:
2018-10-15T12:50:11.058 [INFO] Downloaded from central:
 (31 kB at 1.7 MB/s)
2018-10-15T12:50:11.058 [INFO] Downloading from central:
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2018-10-15T12:50:11.061 [INFO] Downloading from central:
2018-10-15T12:50:11.061 [INFO] Downloaded from central: 
(49 kB at 2.3 MB/s)
2018-10-15T12:50:11.061 [INFO] Downloading from central:
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 (174 kB at 6.0 MB/s)
2018-10-15T12:50:11.070 [INFO] Downloading from central:
2018-10-15T12:50:11.122 [INFO] Downloaded from central:
 (51 kB at 632 kB/s)
2018-10-15T12:50:11.127 [INFO] Downloaded from central:
 (84 kB at 978 kB/s)
2018-10-15T12:50:11.127 [INFO] Downloaded from central:
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2018-10-15T12:50:11.127 [INFO] Downloaded from central:
 (381 kB at 4.4 MB/s)
2018-10-15T12:50:11.130 [INFO] Downloaded from central:
 (22 kB at 248 kB/s)
2018-10-15T12:50:12.790 [INFO] Building jar: 
2018-10-15T12:50:16.007 [WARNING] Configuration options: 'appendAssemblyId' is 
set to false, and 'classifier' is missing.
Instead of attaching the assembly file: 
 it will become the file for main project artifact.
NOTE: If multiple descriptors or descriptor-formats are provided for this 
project, the value of this file will be non-deterministic!
2018-10-15T12:50:16.007 [WARNING] Replacing pre-existing project main-artifact 
with assembly file: 
2018-10-15T12:50:16.494 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:16.494 [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:2.2.4:revision 
(git-info) @ pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:16.876 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:16.876 [INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:build-classpath 
(build-classpath) @ pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:16.879 [INFO] Skipped writing classpath file 
  No changes found.
2018-10-15T12:50:17.041 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:17.041 [INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:process 
(process-resource-bundles) @ pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:17.861 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:17.861 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources 
(default-resources) @ pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:17.863 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered 
2018-10-15T12:50:17.863 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory 
2018-10-15T12:50:17.864 [INFO] Copying 3 resources
2018-10-15T12:50:17.865 [INFO] Copying 3 resources
2018-10-15T12:50:18.026 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:18.026 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:compile 
(default-compile) @ pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:18.032 [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
2018-10-15T12:50:18.033 [INFO] Compiling 6 source files to 
2018-10-15T12:50:18.487 [WARNING] 
 usePlaintext(boolean) in io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder has been deprecated
2018-10-15T12:50:18.648 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:18.648 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources 
(default-testResources) @ pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:18.650 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered 
2018-10-15T12:50:18.650 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory 
2018-10-15T12:50:18.650 [INFO] Copying 3 resources
2018-10-15T12:50:18.949 [INFO] Copying 3 resources
2018-10-15T12:50:19.111 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:19.111 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:testCompile 
(default-testCompile) @ pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:19.117 [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
2018-10-15T12:50:19.278 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:19.278 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.21.0:test 
(default-test) @ pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:19.283 [INFO] Tests are skipped.
2018-10-15T12:50:19.605 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:19.605 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.0.0:jar (default-jar) @ 
pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:19.615 [INFO] Building jar: 
2018-10-15T12:50:19.910 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:19.911 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.5.1:attach-descriptor 
(attach-descriptor) @ pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:20.074 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:50:20.074 [INFO] --- maven-assembly-plugin:2.6:single (default) @ 
pulsar-functions-metrics ---
2018-10-15T12:50:21.274 [INFO] Building jar: 
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
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[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
2018-10-15T12:51:17.590 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:51:17.591 [INFO] Reactor Summary:
2018-10-15T12:51:17.591 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Pulsar Build Tools 
................................. SUCCESS [ 19.254 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Pulsar 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT 
.............................. SUCCESS [ 12.366 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Pulsar Common 
...................................... SUCCESS [ 24.327 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Managed Ledger 
..................................... SUCCESS [ 34.949 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Managed Ledger 
..................................... SUCCESS [01:20 min]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Jclouds shaded 
.................... SUCCESS [ 20.137 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tiered Storage :: Parent 
.......... SUCCESS [  7.264 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tiered Storage :: JCloud 
.......... SUCCESS [ 35.461 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Pulsar ZooKeeper Utils 
............................. SUCCESS [ 33.688 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] pulsar-broker-common 
............................... SUCCESS [ 15.811 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Parent 
......................... SUCCESS [  7.730 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Proto 
.......................... SUCCESS [ 18.056 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Pulsar Client Schema 
............................... SUCCESS [01:00 min]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: API 
............................ SUCCESS [ 12.391 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Parent 
................................ SUCCESS [  7.106 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.592 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: IO 
.................................... SUCCESS [ 12.356 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Client Java 
................................. SUCCESS [ 21.942 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Discovery Service WAR 
....................... SUCCESS [ 19.576 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar WebSocket 
................................... SUCCESS [ 19.836 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Client Admin Original 
....................... SUCCESS [ 16.477 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Utils 
.......................... SUCCESS [ 16.899 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Instance 
....................... SUCCESS [ 23.822 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Metrics 
........................ FAILURE [ 20.133 s]
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Runtime 
........................ SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Worker 
......................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Broker 
...................................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Shaded Broker 
............................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Client Java 
................................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Client Admin 
................................ SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Cassandra 
............................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Twitter 
............................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Client Tools 
................................ SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Client Tools Test 
........................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Proxy 
....................................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Storm adapter 
............................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Flink Connectors 
............................ SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Spark Streaming Pulsar Receivers 
................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Test Client 
................................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] pulsar-broker-auth-athenz 
.......................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] pulsar-client-auth-athenz 
.......................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 
......................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility :: API (original) 
....... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility :: API 
.................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility :: Tests 
................ SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] pulsar-zookeeper 
................................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Log4j2 Appender 
............................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Parent 
............................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Pulsar Presto Connector Packaging 
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Pulsar Presto Connector 
.............. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Pulsar Presto Distribution 
........... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Proto-shaded 
................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: API Examples 
................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Runtime Shaded 
................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Runtime All 
.................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Aerospike 
............................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.593 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Kafka 
................................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: RabbitMQ 
.............................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Kinesis 
............................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Hdfs 
.................................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Jdbc 
.................................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Data Generator 
........................ SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: ElasticSearch 
......................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Kafka Connect Adaptor 
................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Debezium 
.............................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar Examples :: Parent 
.......................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar Examples :: Flink Consumer Source 
........... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution 
............................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution :: Server 
................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution :: IO 
....................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution :: Offloader 
................ SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images 
..................... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar Latest 
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Grafana 
.......... SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar Latest 
Version (Include All Components) SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar 
Standalone  SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests 
............................. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Docker Images 
............ SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Docker Images :: 
Latest Version Testing SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Integration 
.............. SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Pulsar Kafka Compat 
Client Tests 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT SKIPPED
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] BUILD FAILURE
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] 
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Total time: 11:08 min
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] Finished at: 2018-10-15T12:51:17Z
2018-10-15T12:51:17.594 [INFO] 
Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
2018-10-15T12:51:19.188 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.6:single (default) on project 
pulsar-functions-metrics: Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly 
archive jar-with-dependencies: Problem creating jar: 
 JAR entry not found in 
 -> [Help 1]
2018-10-15T12:51:19.188 [ERROR] 
2018-10-15T12:51:19.188 [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, 
re-run Maven with the -e switch.
2018-10-15T12:51:19.188 [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full 
debug logging.
2018-10-15T12:51:19.188 [ERROR] 
2018-10-15T12:51:19.188 [ERROR] For more information about the errors and 
possible solutions, please read the following articles:
2018-10-15T12:51:19.188 [ERROR] [Help 1]
2018-10-15T12:51:19.188 [ERROR] 
2018-10-15T12:51:19.188 [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume 
the build with the command
2018-10-15T12:51:19.189 [ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :pulsar-functions-metrics
channel stopped
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