On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 12:54 PM, Ansis Atteka <aatt...@nicira.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 1:12 AM, pravin shelar <pshe...@ovn.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 11:59 AM, Ansis Atteka <ansisatt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 20 September 2016 at 20:52, Pravin B Shelar <pshe...@ovn.org> wrote:
>>>> OVS IPsec tunnel support has issues:
>>>> 1. It only works for GRE.
>>>> 2. only works on Debian.
>>>> 3. It does not allow user to match on packet-mark
>>>>    on packet received on tunnel ports.
>>>> Therefore following patch provide alternative to completely
>>>> disable ipsec-tunnel support by vswitchd command line option.
>>>> This way user can use external daemon to manage IPsec tunnel
>>>> traffic and stir it using skb-mark match action in OVS bridge.
>>>> This patch deprecates support for IPsec tunnel port.
>>> There are other alternative solutions worth to mention:
>>> 1) remove the special meaning of skb_mark bit #0 and update
>>> ovs-monitor-ipsec not to depend on harcoded skb_mark value at all (I think
>>> this can be done with some trickery);
>> I am not sure what does this mean. How are you going match on IPsec traffic?
>>> 2) allow users to chose OVS mode where OVS can be explicitly told to either
>>> use skb_mark for its own needs (e.g. IPsec) OR to pass skb_mark to OpenFlow
>>> pipeline as-is;
>> This was basically this patch does but I have sent another patch to
>> just deprecate IPsec support. I have mentioned reasoning for the
>> change there.
>> http://openvswitch.org/pipermail/dev/2016-September/079770.html
>>> 3) leave bit #0 assigned to IPsec and let OpenFlow to match only on bits
>>> #1-32.
>>> Your solutions is kinda like 2), except it discourages uses to configure OVS
>>> in a way where it consumes skb_mark for itself.
>>> I think solutions 1) could be implemented even after your patch. Except,
>>> maybe then we should not mention that IPsec will be deprecated in the next
>>> release. Also, I would need to think how to address corner cases if
>>> ovs-monitor-ipsec can't use skb_mark anymore.
>>> Solution 3) would be great from ovs-monitor-ipsec perspective because it
>>> would not need to change. However, it possibly would make OpenFlow skb_mark
>>> matching look weird compared to other fields that OVS can match on.
>> I do not like solution 3. It does not allows OVS user to use all bits
>> of skb-mark even when there is no IPSEC involved which is what linux
>> networking stack provide.
> The reason why IPsec needed this one skb mark bit was because,
> otherwise, Linux IP stack (in particular "xfrm lookup" hook -
> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Netfilter-packet-flow.svg)
> really does not have slightest idea whether GRE packet came from gre
> or ipsec_gre port.
> If this bit is taken away from ovs-monitor-ipsec, because we want OVS
> users to be able to use all 32 bits of skb mark in an arbitrary
> manner, then, yes, ipsec_* tunnel support must be removed, because,
> then from Linux IP stack point of view ipsec_gre and gre would look
> the same. So let's just move on with your patch then.
I am not objecting to use one bit for IPsec tunnels. That is required
to make IPsec tunnel work on linux. My proposal is to let user set skb
mark using open-flow pipeline. So that he has complete control over
all bits in skb-mark. In this scheme user configure skb-mark and xfrm
to implement IPsec tunnels. OVS does not need to support this port

> I guess you will send V2 after addressing implementation related
> comments that I had?

I have posted another patch to deprecate IPsec.
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