On 31/08/2016 10:38, "Jesse Gross" <je...@kernel.org> wrote:
>On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 6:47 PM, Daniele Di Proietto
><diproiet...@vmware.com> wrote:
>> When translating a set action we also unwildcard the field in question.
>> This is done to correctly translate set actions with the value identical
>> to the ingress flow, like in the following example:
>> flow table:
>> tcp,actions=set_field:80->tcp_dst,output:5
>> ingress packet:
>> ...,tcp,tcp_dst=80
>> datapath flow
>> ...,tcp(dst=80) actions:5
>> The datapath flow must exact match the target field, because the actions
>> do not include a set field. (Otherwise a packet coming in with a
>> different tcp_dst would be matched, and its port wouldn't be altered).
>> Tunnel attributes behave differently: at the datapath layer, before
>> action processing they're cleared (we do the same at the ofproto layer
>> in xlate_actions()). Therefore there's no need to unwildcard them,
>> because a set action would always be detected (since we zero them at the
>> beginning of xlate_ations()).
>> This fixes a problem related to the handling of Geneve options.
>> Unwildcarding non existing Geneve options (as done by a
>> set_field:X->tun_metadata<n> on a packet coming from a non-tunnel
>> interface) would be problematic for the datapaths: the ODP translation
>> functions cannot express a match on non existing Geneve options (unlike
>> on other attributes), and the userspace datapath wouldn't be able to
>> translate them to "userspace datapath format". In both cases the
>> installed flow would be deleted by revalidation at the first
>> opportunity.
>> Signed-off-by: Daniele Di Proietto <diproiet...@vmware.com>
>I think there might be some more obscure ways of triggering this
>problem that still exist. Basically anything that can use a register
>as a target is a potential issue. For example, stack_pop, bundle, and
>multipath all look like they have the same masking behavior.
You're right, thanks. I added two extra checks (bundle and multipath
share part of the code).
>I do have a general solution in this patch (look at the bottom of
>xlate_actions() where it is adjusting the wildcards):
>I didn't realize that it was addressing an existing issue though and
>that patch certainly isn't suitable for anything other than master.
Perhaps the commit message was too specific about Geneve options, because
that's how I found this originally, but the issue applies also to other
tunnel metadata (tunnel id, tunnel flags, ...)
>I'm also not really a big fan of the way I handled it there since it's
>a pretty coarse way to do it. I would be happy to drop it if we can
>feel comfortable that we got all of the callsites (now and in the
>future) using your method. Perhaps we can just create a helper
>function with this check builtin and then use it everywhere? That
>might be enough to be confident about the future.
I agree with you, I'd prefer to fix it on the set action, if possible.
Thanks for you input!
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