On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 04:31:28PM -0700, Jarno Rajahalme wrote:
> OVS implementation of buffering packets that are sent to the
> controller is not compliant with the OpenFlow specifications after
> OpenFlow 1.0, which is possibly true since OpenFlow 1.0 is not really
> specifying the packet buffering behavior.
> OVS implementation executes the buffered packet against the actions of
> the modified or added rule, whereas OpenFlow (since 1.1) specifies
> that the packet should be matched against the flow table 0 and
> processed accordingly.
> Rather than fix this behavior, and potentially break OVS users, we
> propose to remove the feature altogether. After all, such packet
> buffering is an optional OpenFlow feature, and as such any possible
> users should continue to work without this feature.
> This patch also makes OVS check the received 'buffer_id' values more
> rigorously, and fixes some internal users accordingly.
> Signed-off-by: Jarno Rajahalme <ja...@ovn.org>

I believe that this came out of a bug report.  Will you credit the bug

I think that we will probably start getting a question about "what
happened to the buffers?" so it might be worthwhile to add a question
and answer to the FAQ about that.

The change to lib/learn.c seems unnecessary.

I'd be inclined to also remove the buffer_id parameters from the
functions that ofputil_encode_packet_in_private() calls.  They're always
going to be UINT32_MAX now.

In ofputil_encode_packet_in_private(), here:
    if (check_buffer_id && fm->buffer_id != UINT32_MAX) {
I would add "!error &&" to the condition, because I think that this
error is less important than the others.

The changes to ofctrl.c should not be necessary, because the
encode_flow_mod() function that all of the cases use already sets
buffer_id to UINT32_MAX.

Acked-by: Ben Pfaff <b...@ovn.org>
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