On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 11:24 AM, Ryan Moats <rmo...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> > MAC_Binding is a bit tricky - the problem here is how to deal where
> dynamic
> > MAC bindings need to be transferred from one chassis to another for
> either
> > HA or live migration scenarios. My preference here is to leave this alone
> > (i.e. allow ovn-controller to continue to write this table) and see what
> we
> > can apply from various anti-arp cache poisoning technologies to either
> the IDL
> > or ovsdb-server itself.
> >
> > ​The proposal here is that they wouldn't be transferred from home
> > host to another.  Each chassis would be responsible for its own mac
> learning.​
> That's what I'm not comfortable with...

Why is that?  Isn't that how a network would typically work anyway?

Russell Bryant
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