On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 8:53 PM, Aaron Conole <acon...@bytheb.org> wrote:
> I've been working on a better solution - it occurred to me that since
> this is being done for linux-only anyway, I might as well do this with
> systemd.  I can get almost everything done with no C code changes, thus
> far.  Once I figure out one last permission bit, I will package it up
> nicely and ask Flavio and Russell to review
I remember starting out looking for a systemd-only solution to this
issue and kept running into one roadblock after another. One issue was
always having a configurable group, since for instance qemu may or may
not be installed on the system. Another was that systemd didn't seem
to be honoring the umask when I set it in the service definition, so I
had to modify the ovs-ctl script to call umask. The other was that
using umask would also change the perms on things like log files.
Maybe you'll have better luck, but it really seemed like a code-level
change was going to be better.
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