On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 8:24 AM, Martynas Pumputis <martynas@weave.works> wrote:
> The creation of a tunnel vport (geneve, gre, vxlan) brings up a
> corresponding netdev, a multi-step operation which can fail.
> For example, changing a vxlan vport's netdev state to 'up' binds the
> vport's socket to a UDP port - if the binding fails (e.g. due to the
> port being in use), the error is currently ignored giving the
> appearance that the tunnel vport creation completed successfully.
> Signed-off-by: Martynas Pumputis <martynas@weave.works>


Acked-by: Pravin B Shelar <pshe...@ovn.org>
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