This RFC patch provides initial support for DPDK 16.07-rc2 (release
candidate 2) which was tagged July 12th. I plan to submit a full patch
once the 16.07 release is final, hopefully later this month. This RFC
patch can be used in meantime to test with the DPDK master branch or
16.07-rc2 tag.

The main changes between DPDK 16.04 and 16.07 so far that impact OVS are
changes to the xstats and vhost APIs which have required rework to those
particular sections in netdev-dpdk.c.

As this is an RFC patch only basic testing has been conducted. If you
try this patch out and find any issues please report them and fixes can
be included in the final patch.

- rebase with DPDK rc2
- rebase with OVS master
- fix vhost cuse compilation

 .travis/   |   2 +- |   8 +-          |  20 ++--
 lib/netdev-dpdk.c        | 243 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 4 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)


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