Hi Daniele,

One minor comment inline.


>The interface will be more similar to the cmap.
>Signed-off-by: Daniele Di Proietto <diproiet...@vmware.com>
> lib/hmap.c             | 26 ++++++++++++--------------
> lib/hmap.h             |  7 ++++++-
> lib/sset.c             | 12 +++++-------
> lib/sset.h             |  7 ++++++-
> ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c |  8 +++-----
> 5 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/lib/hmap.c b/lib/hmap.c
>index b70ce51..9462c5e 100644
>--- a/lib/hmap.c
>+++ b/lib/hmap.c
>@@ -236,24 +236,22 @@ hmap_random_node(const struct hmap *hmap)
> }
> /* Returns the next node in 'hmap' in hash order, or NULL if no nodes remain 
> in
>- * 'hmap'.  Uses '*bucketp' and '*offsetp' to determine where to begin
>- * iteration, and stores new values to pass on the next iteration into them
>- * before returning.
>+ * 'hmap'.  Uses '*pos' to determine where to begin iteration, and updates
>+ * '*pos' to pass on the next iteration into them before returning.
>  *
>  * It's better to use plain HMAP_FOR_EACH and related functions, since they 
> are
>  * faster and better at dealing with hmaps that change during iteration.
>  *
>- * Before beginning iteration, store 0 into '*bucketp' and '*offsetp'.
>- */
>+ * Before beginning iteration, set '*pos' to all zeros. */
> struct hmap_node *
> hmap_at_position(const struct hmap *hmap,
>-                 uint32_t *bucketp, uint32_t *offsetp)
>+                 struct hmap_position *pos)
> {
>     size_t offset;
>     size_t b_idx;
>-    offset = *offsetp;
>-    for (b_idx = *bucketp; b_idx <= hmap->mask; b_idx++) {
>+    offset = pos->offset;
>+    for (b_idx = pos->bucket; b_idx <= hmap->mask; b_idx++) {
>         struct hmap_node *node;
>         size_t n_idx;
>@@ -261,11 +259,11 @@ hmap_at_position(const struct hmap *hmap,
>              n_idx++, node = node->next) {
>             if (n_idx == offset) {
>                 if (node->next) {
>-                    *bucketp = node->hash & hmap->mask;
>-                    *offsetp = offset + 1;
>+                    pos->bucket = node->hash & hmap->mask;
>+                    pos->offset = offset + 1;
>                 } else {
>-                    *bucketp = (node->hash & hmap->mask) + 1;
>-                    *offsetp = 0;
>+                    pos->bucket = (node->hash & hmap->mask) + 1;
>+                    pos->offset = 0;
>                 }
>                 return node;
>             }
>@@ -273,8 +271,8 @@ hmap_at_position(const struct hmap *hmap,
>         offset = 0;
>     }
>-    *bucketp = 0;
>-    *offsetp = 0;
>+    pos->bucket = 0;
>+    pos->offset = 0;
>     return NULL;
> }
>diff --git a/lib/hmap.h b/lib/hmap.h
>index 08c4719..9a96c5f 100644
>--- a/lib/hmap.h
>+++ b/lib/hmap.h
>@@ -201,8 +201,13 @@ static inline struct hmap_node *hmap_first(const struct 
>hmap *);
> static inline struct hmap_node *hmap_next(const struct hmap *,
>                                           const struct hmap_node *);
>+struct hmap_position {
>+    unsigned int bucket;
>+    unsigned int offset;
> struct hmap_node *hmap_at_position(const struct hmap *,
>-                                   uint32_t *bucket, uint32_t *offset);
>+                                   struct hmap_position *);
> /* Returns the number of nodes currently in 'hmap'. */
> static inline size_t
>diff --git a/lib/sset.c b/lib/sset.c
>index f9d4fc0..4fd3fae 100644
>--- a/lib/sset.c
>+++ b/lib/sset.c
>@@ -251,21 +251,19 @@ sset_equals(const struct sset *a, const struct sset *b)
> }
> /* Returns the next node in 'set' in hash order, or NULL if no nodes remain in
>- * 'set'.  Uses '*bucketp' and '*offsetp' to determine where to begin
>- * iteration, and stores new values to pass on the next iteration into them
>- * before returning.
>+ * 'set'.  Uses '*pos' to determine where to begin iteration, and updates
>+ * '*pos' to pass on the next iteration into them before returning.
>  *
>  * It's better to use plain SSET_FOR_EACH and related functions, since they 
> are
>  * faster and better at dealing with ssets that change during iteration.
>  *
>- * Before beginning iteration, store 0 into '*bucketp' and '*offsetp'.
>- */
>+ * Before beginning iteration, set '*pos' to all zeros. */
> struct sset_node *
>-sset_at_position(const struct sset *set, uint32_t *bucketp, uint32_t *offsetp)
>+sset_at_position(const struct sset *set, struct sset_position *pos)
> {
>     struct hmap_node *hmap_node;
>-    hmap_node = hmap_at_position(&set->map, bucketp, offsetp);
>+    hmap_node = hmap_at_position(&set->map, &pos->pos);
>     return SSET_NODE_FROM_HMAP_NODE(hmap_node);
> }
>diff --git a/lib/sset.h b/lib/sset.h
>index 7d1d496..9c2f703 100644
>--- a/lib/sset.h
>+++ b/lib/sset.h
>@@ -64,8 +64,13 @@ char *sset_pop(struct sset *);
> struct sset_node *sset_find(const struct sset *, const char *);
> bool sset_contains(const struct sset *, const char *);
> bool sset_equals(const struct sset *, const struct sset *);
>+struct sset_position {
>+    struct hmap_position pos;

[MK] Would a typedef be more appropriate here, as it would avoid the additional 
layer of dereference?
> struct sset_node *sset_at_position(const struct sset *,
>-                                   uint32_t *bucketp, uint32_t *offsetp);
>+                                   struct sset_position *);
> /* Set operations. */
> void sset_intersect(struct sset *, const struct sset *);
>diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
>index 530c49a..aceb11f 100644
>--- a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
>+++ b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
>@@ -3558,8 +3558,7 @@ port_get_lacp_stats(const struct ofport *ofport_, struct
>lacp_slave_stats *stats
> }
> struct port_dump_state {
>-    uint32_t bucket;
>-    uint32_t offset;
>+    struct sset_position pos;
>     bool ghost;
>     struct ofproto_port port;
>@@ -3587,7 +3586,7 @@ port_dump_next(const struct ofproto *ofproto_, void 
>         state->has_port = false;
>     }
>     sset = state->ghost ? &ofproto->ghost_ports : &ofproto->ports;
>-    while ((node = sset_at_position(sset, &state->bucket, &state->offset))) {
>+    while ((node = sset_at_position(sset, &state->pos))) {
>         int error;
>         error = port_query_by_name(ofproto_, node->name, &state->port);
>@@ -3602,8 +3601,7 @@ port_dump_next(const struct ofproto *ofproto_, void 
>     if (!state->ghost) {
>         state->ghost = true;
>-        state->bucket = 0;
>-        state->offset = 0;
>+        memset(&state->pos, 0, sizeof state->pos);
>         return port_dump_next(ofproto_, state_, port);
>     }

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