Thank for spotting this Mark, I've updated the comment and resent

On 07/03/2016 03:26, "Kavanagh, Mark B" <> wrote:

>Hi Daniele,
>Thanks for making the changes to this patch and also 1/11 and 7/11.
>Apart from one minor comment below, all LGTM.
>>This introduces in dpif-netdev and netdev-dpdk the first use for the
>>newly introduce reconfigure netdev call.
>>When a request to change the number of queues comes, netdev-dpdk will
>>remember this and notify the upper layer via
>>The datapath, instead of periodically calling netdev_set_multiq(), can
>>detect this and call reconfigure().
>>This mechanism can also be used to:
>>* Automatically match the number of rxq with the one provided by qemu
>>  via the new_device callback.
>>* Provide a way to change the MTU of dpdk devices at runtime.
>>Signed-off-by: Daniele Di Proietto <>
>> lib/dpif-netdev.c     |  70 +++++++++----------
>> lib/netdev-dpdk.c     | 181
>> lib/netdev-provider.h |  19 ++----
>> lib/netdev.c          |  30 ++-------
>> lib/netdev.h          |   3 +-
>> 5 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-)
>>diff --git a/lib/dpif-netdev.c b/lib/dpif-netdev.c
>>index 0c3673b..8e9181c 100644
>>--- a/lib/dpif-netdev.c
>>+++ b/lib/dpif-netdev.c
>>@@ -256,8 +256,6 @@ struct dp_netdev_port {
>>     unsigned n_rxq;             /* Number of elements in 'rxq' */
>>     struct netdev_rxq **rxq;
>>     char *type;                 /* Port type as requested by user. */
>>-    int latest_requested_n_rxq; /* Latest requested from netdev number
>>-                                   of rx queues. */
>> };
>> /* Contained by struct dp_netdev_flow's 'stats' member.  */
>>@@ -1161,20 +1159,26 @@ do_add_port(struct dp_netdev *dp, const char
>>*devname, const char
>>         /* There can only be ovs_numa_get_n_cores() pmd threads,
>>          * so creates a txq for each, and one extra for the non
>>          * pmd threads. */
>>-        error = netdev_set_multiq(netdev, n_cores + 1,
>>-                                  netdev_requested_n_rxq(netdev));
>>+        error = netdev_set_multiq(netdev, n_cores + 1);
>>         if (error && (error != EOPNOTSUPP)) {
>>             VLOG_ERR("%s, cannot set multiq", devname);
>>             goto out_close;
>>         }
>>     }
>>+    if (netdev_is_reconf_required(netdev)) {
>>+        error = netdev_reconfigure(netdev);
>>+        if (error) {
>>+            goto out_close;
>>+        }
>>+    }
>>     port = xzalloc(sizeof *port);
>>     port->port_no = port_no;
>>     port->netdev = netdev;
>>     port->n_rxq = netdev_n_rxq(netdev);
>>     port->rxq = xmalloc(sizeof *port->rxq * port->n_rxq);
>>     port->type = xstrdup(type);
>>-    port->latest_requested_n_rxq = netdev_requested_n_rxq(netdev);
>>     for (i = 0; i < port->n_rxq; i++) {
>>         error = netdev_rxq_open(netdev, &port->rxq[i], i);
>>@@ -2450,24 +2454,6 @@ dpif_netdev_operate(struct dpif *dpif, struct
>>dpif_op **ops, size_t
>>     }
>> }
>>-/* Returns true if the configuration for rx queues is changed. */
>>-static bool
>>-pmd_n_rxq_changed(const struct dp_netdev *dp)
>>-    struct dp_netdev_port *port;
>>-    CMAP_FOR_EACH (port, node, &dp->ports) {
>>-        int requested_n_rxq = netdev_requested_n_rxq(port->netdev);
>>-        if (netdev_is_pmd(port->netdev)
>>-            && port->latest_requested_n_rxq != requested_n_rxq) {
>>-            return true;
>>-        }
>>-    }
>>-    return false;
>> static bool
>> cmask_equals(const char *a, const char *b)
>> {
>>@@ -2600,14 +2586,12 @@ reconfigure_pmd_threads(struct dp_netdev *dp)
>>     dp_netdev_destroy_all_pmds(dp);
>>     CMAP_FOR_EACH (port, node, &dp->ports) {
>>-        struct netdev *netdev = port->netdev;
>>-        int requested_n_rxq = netdev_requested_n_rxq(netdev);
>>-        if (netdev_is_pmd(port->netdev)
>>-            && port->latest_requested_n_rxq != requested_n_rxq) {
>>+        if (netdev_is_reconf_required(port->netdev)) {
>>             cmap_remove(&dp->ports, &port->node,
>>             hmapx_add(&to_reconfigure, port);
>>         }
>>     }
>>     ovs_mutex_unlock(&dp->port_mutex);
>>     /* Waits for the other threads to see the ports removed from the
>>@@ -2616,11 +2600,9 @@ reconfigure_pmd_threads(struct dp_netdev *dp)
>>     ovs_mutex_lock(&dp->port_mutex);
>>     HMAPX_FOR_EACH (node, &to_reconfigure) {
>>-        int requested_n_rxq = netdev_requested_n_rxq(port->netdev);
>>         int i, err;
>>         port = node->data;
>>-        requested_n_rxq = netdev_requested_n_rxq(port->netdev);
>>         /* Closes the existing 'rxq's. */
>>         for (i = 0; i < port->n_rxq; i++) {
>>             netdev_rxq_close(port->rxq[i]);
>>@@ -2628,18 +2610,15 @@ reconfigure_pmd_threads(struct dp_netdev *dp)
>>         }
>>         port->n_rxq = 0;
>>-        /* Sets the new rx queue config. */
>>-        err = netdev_set_multiq(port->netdev, ovs_numa_get_n_cores() +
>>-                                requested_n_rxq);
>>+        /* Allows the netdev to apply the pending configuration
>>changes. */
>>+        err = netdev_reconfigure(port->netdev);
>>         if (err && (err != EOPNOTSUPP)) {
>>-            VLOG_ERR("Failed to set dpdk interface %s rx_queue to: %u",
>>-                     netdev_get_name(port->netdev),
>>-                     requested_n_rxq);
>>+            VLOG_ERR("Failed to set interface %s new configuration",
>>+                     netdev_get_name(port->netdev));
>>             do_destroy_port(port);
>>             failed_config = true;
>>             continue;
>>         }
>>-        port->latest_requested_n_rxq = requested_n_rxq;
>>         /* If the netdev_reconfigure() above succeeds, reopens the
>>'rxq's and
>>          * inserts the port back in the cmap, to allow transmitting
>>packets. */
>>         port->n_rxq = netdev_n_rxq(port->netdev);
>>@@ -2670,6 +2649,21 @@ reconfigure_pmd_threads(struct dp_netdev *dp)
>>     dp_netdev_reset_pmd_threads(dp);
>> }
>>+/* Returns true if one of the netdevs in 'dp' requires a
>>reconfiguration */
>>+static bool
>>+ports_require_restart(const struct dp_netdev *dp)
>>+    struct dp_netdev_port *port;
>>+    CMAP_FOR_EACH (port, node, &dp->ports) {
>>+        if (netdev_is_reconf_required(port->netdev)) {
>>+            return true;
>>+        }
>>+    }
>>+    return false;
>> /* Return true if needs to revalidate datapath flows. */
>> static bool
>> dpif_netdev_run(struct dpif *dpif)
>>@@ -2695,7 +2689,7 @@ dpif_netdev_run(struct dpif *dpif)
>>     ovs_mutex_unlock(&dp->non_pmd_mutex);
>>     if (!cmask_equals(dp->pmd_cmask, dp->requested_pmd_cmask)
>>-        || pmd_n_rxq_changed(dp)) {
>>+        || ports_require_restart(dp)) {
>>         reconfigure_pmd_threads(dp);
>>     }
>>@@ -2718,6 +2712,8 @@ dpif_netdev_wait(struct dpif *dpif)
>>     ovs_mutex_lock(&dp_netdev_mutex);
>>     CMAP_FOR_EACH (port, node, &dp->ports) {
>>+        netdev_wait_reconf_required(port->netdev);
>>         if (!netdev_is_pmd(port->netdev)) {
>>             int i;
>>diff --git a/lib/netdev-dpdk.c b/lib/netdev-dpdk.c
>>index a48ca71..ce35427 100644
>>--- a/lib/netdev-dpdk.c
>>+++ b/lib/netdev-dpdk.c
>>@@ -237,6 +237,12 @@ struct netdev_dpdk {
>>     /* In dpdk_list. */
>>     struct ovs_list list_node OVS_GUARDED_BY(dpdk_mutex);
>>+    /* The following properties cannot be changed when a device is
>>+     * so we remember the request and update them next time
>>+     * netdev_dpdk*_reconfigure() is called */
>>+    int requested_n_txq;
>>+    int requested_n_rxq;
>> };
>> struct netdev_rxq_dpdk {
>>@@ -614,7 +620,8 @@ netdev_dpdk_init(struct netdev *netdev_, unsigned
>>int port_no,
>>     netdev_->n_txq = NR_QUEUE;
>>     netdev_->n_rxq = NR_QUEUE;
>>-    netdev_->requested_n_rxq = NR_QUEUE;
>>+    netdev->requested_n_rxq = NR_QUEUE;
>>+    netdev->requested_n_txq = NR_QUEUE;
>>     netdev->real_n_txq = NR_QUEUE;
>>     if (type == DPDK_DEV_ETH) {
>>@@ -796,7 +803,7 @@ netdev_dpdk_get_config(const struct netdev *netdev,
>>struct smap *args)
>>     ovs_mutex_lock(&dev->mutex);
>>-    smap_add_format(args, "requested_rx_queues", "%d",
>>+    smap_add_format(args, "requested_rx_queues", "%d",
>>     smap_add_format(args, "configured_rx_queues", "%d", netdev->n_rxq);
>>     smap_add_format(args, "requested_tx_queues", "%d", netdev->n_txq);
>>     smap_add_format(args, "configured_tx_queues", "%d",
>>@@ -809,11 +816,14 @@ static int
>> netdev_dpdk_set_config(struct netdev *netdev, const struct smap *args)
>> {
>>     struct netdev_dpdk *dev = netdev_dpdk_cast(netdev);
>>+    int new_n_rxq;
>>     ovs_mutex_lock(&dev->mutex);
>>-    netdev->requested_n_rxq = MAX(smap_get_int(args, "n_rxq",
>>netdev->requested_n_rxq), 1);
>>-    netdev_change_seq_changed(netdev);
>>+    new_n_rxq = MAX(smap_get_int(args, "n_rxq", dev->requested_n_rxq),
>>+    if (new_n_rxq != dev->requested_n_rxq) {
>>+        dev->requested_n_rxq = new_n_rxq;
>>+        netdev_request_reconfigure(netdev);
>>+    }
>>     ovs_mutex_unlock(&dev->mutex);
>>     return 0;
>>@@ -827,95 +837,26 @@ netdev_dpdk_get_numa_id(const struct netdev
>>     return netdev->socket_id;
>> }
>>-/* Sets the number of tx queues and rx queues for the dpdk interface.
>>- * If the configuration fails, do not try restoring its old
>>- * and just returns the error. */
>>+/* Sets the number of tx queues for the dpdk interface. */
>> static int
>>-netdev_dpdk_set_multiq(struct netdev *netdev_, unsigned int n_txq,
>>-                       unsigned int n_rxq)
>>+netdev_dpdk_set_multiq(struct netdev *netdev_, unsigned int n_txq)
>> {
>>     struct netdev_dpdk *netdev = netdev_dpdk_cast(netdev_);
>>     int err = 0;
>>-    int old_rxq, old_txq;
>>-    if (netdev->up.n_txq == n_txq && netdev->up.n_rxq == n_rxq) {
>>-        return err;
>>-    }
>>-    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>     ovs_mutex_lock(&netdev->mutex);
>>-    rte_eth_dev_stop(netdev->port_id);
>>-    old_txq = netdev->up.n_txq;
>>-    old_rxq = netdev->up.n_rxq;
>>-    netdev->up.n_txq = n_txq;
>>-    netdev->up.n_rxq = n_rxq;
>>-    rte_free(netdev->tx_q);
>>-    err = dpdk_eth_dev_init(netdev);
>>-    netdev_dpdk_alloc_txq(netdev, netdev->real_n_txq);
>>-    if (err) {
>>-        /* If there has been an error, it means that the requested
>>-         * have not been created.  Restore the old numbers. */
>>-        netdev->up.n_txq = old_txq;
>>-        netdev->up.n_rxq = old_rxq;
>>-    }
>>-    netdev->txq_needs_locking = netdev->real_n_txq != netdev->up.n_txq;
>>-    ovs_mutex_unlock(&netdev->mutex);
>>-    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>-    return err;
>>-static int
>>-netdev_dpdk_vhost_cuse_set_multiq(struct netdev *netdev_, unsigned int
>>-                             unsigned int n_rxq)
>>-    struct netdev_dpdk *netdev = netdev_dpdk_cast(netdev_);
>>-    int err = 0;
>>-    if (netdev->up.n_txq == n_txq && netdev->up.n_rxq == n_rxq) {
>>-        return err;
>>+    if (netdev->up.n_txq == n_txq) {
>>+        goto out;
>>     }
>>-    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>-    ovs_mutex_lock(&netdev->mutex);
>>-    netdev->up.n_txq = n_txq;
>>-    netdev->real_n_txq = 1;
>>-    netdev->up.n_rxq = 1;
>>-    netdev->txq_needs_locking = netdev->real_n_txq != netdev->up.n_txq;
>>+    netdev->requested_n_txq = n_txq;
>>+    netdev_request_reconfigure(netdev_);
>>     ovs_mutex_unlock(&netdev->mutex);
>>-    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>     return err;
>>-static int
>>-netdev_dpdk_vhost_set_multiq(struct netdev *netdev_, unsigned int n_txq,
>>-                             unsigned int n_rxq)
>>-    struct netdev_dpdk *netdev = netdev_dpdk_cast(netdev_);
>>-    int err = 0;
>>-    if (netdev->up.n_txq == n_txq && netdev->up.n_rxq == n_rxq) {
>>-        return err;
>>-    }
>>-    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>-    ovs_mutex_lock(&netdev->mutex);
>>-    netdev->up.n_txq = n_txq;
>>-    netdev->up.n_rxq = n_rxq;
>>-    ovs_mutex_unlock(&netdev->mutex);
>>-    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>-    return err;
>> }
>> static struct netdev_rxq *
>>@@ -2239,8 +2180,70 @@ unlock_dpdk:
>>     return err;
>> }
>>SEND, \
>> \
>>+static int
>>+netdev_dpdk_reconfigure(struct netdev *netdev_)
>>+    struct netdev_dpdk *netdev = netdev_dpdk_cast(netdev_);
>>+    int err = 0;
>>+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>+    ovs_mutex_lock(&netdev->mutex);
>>+    rte_eth_dev_stop(netdev->port_id);
>>+    netdev_->n_txq = netdev->requested_n_txq;
>>+    netdev_->n_rxq = netdev->requested_n_rxq;
>>+    rte_free(netdev->tx_q);
>>+    err = dpdk_eth_dev_init(netdev);
>>+    netdev_dpdk_alloc_txq(netdev, netdev->real_n_txq);
>>+    netdev->txq_needs_locking = netdev->real_n_txq != netdev->up.n_txq;
>>+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&netdev->mutex);
>>+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>+    return err;
>>+static int
>>+netdev_dpdk_vhost_user_reconfigure(struct netdev *netdev_)
>>+    struct netdev_dpdk *netdev = netdev_dpdk_cast(netdev_);
>>+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>+    ovs_mutex_lock(&netdev->mutex);
>>+    netdev->up.n_txq = netdev->requested_n_txq;
>>+    netdev->up.n_rxq = netdev->requested_n_rxq;
>>+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&netdev->mutex);
>>+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>+    return 0;
>>+static int
>>+netdev_dpdk_vhost_cuse_reconfigure(struct netdev *netdev_)
>>+    struct netdev_dpdk *netdev = netdev_dpdk_cast(netdev_);
>>+    ovs_mutex_lock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>+    ovs_mutex_lock(&netdev->mutex);
>>+    netdev->up.n_txq = netdev->requested_n_txq;
>>+    netdev->real_n_txq = 1;
>>+    netdev->up.n_rxq = 1;
>>+    netdev->txq_needs_locking = netdev->real_n_txq != netdev->up.n_txq;
>>+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&netdev->mutex);
>>+    ovs_mutex_unlock(&dpdk_mutex);
>>+    return 0;
>>+                          GET_CARRIER, GET_STATS, GET_FEATURES,  \
>>+                          GET_STATUS, RECONFIGURE, RXQ_RECV)     \
>> {                                                             \
>>     NAME,                                                     \
>>     INIT,                       /* init */                    \
>>@@ -2258,7 +2261,7 @@ unlock_dpdk:
>>     NULL,                       /* push header */             \
>>     NULL,                       /* pop header */              \
>>     netdev_dpdk_get_numa_id,    /* get_numa_id */             \
>>-    MULTIQ,                     /* set_multiq */              \
>>+    netdev_dpdk_set_multiq,                                   \
>>                                                               \
>>     SEND,                       /* send */                    \
>>     NULL,                       /* send_wait */               \
>>@@ -2298,7 +2301,7 @@ unlock_dpdk:
>>     NULL,                       /* arp_lookup */              \
>>                                                               \
>>     netdev_dpdk_update_flags,                                 \
>>-    NULL,                       /* reconfigure */             \
>>+    RECONFIGURE,                                              \
>>                                                               \
>>     netdev_dpdk_rxq_alloc,                                    \
>>     netdev_dpdk_rxq_construct,                                \
>>@@ -2413,12 +2416,12 @@ static const struct netdev_class dpdk_class =
>>         NULL,
>>         netdev_dpdk_construct,
>>         netdev_dpdk_destruct,
>>-        netdev_dpdk_set_multiq,
>>         netdev_dpdk_eth_send,
>>         netdev_dpdk_get_carrier,
>>         netdev_dpdk_get_stats,
>>         netdev_dpdk_get_features,
>>         netdev_dpdk_get_status,
>>+        netdev_dpdk_reconfigure,
>>         netdev_dpdk_rxq_recv);
>> static const struct netdev_class dpdk_ring_class =
>>@@ -2427,12 +2430,12 @@ static const struct netdev_class dpdk_ring_class
>>         NULL,
>>         netdev_dpdk_ring_construct,
>>         netdev_dpdk_destruct,
>>-        netdev_dpdk_set_multiq,
>>         netdev_dpdk_ring_send,
>>         netdev_dpdk_get_carrier,
>>         netdev_dpdk_get_stats,
>>         netdev_dpdk_get_features,
>>         netdev_dpdk_get_status,
>>+        netdev_dpdk_reconfigure,
>>         netdev_dpdk_rxq_recv);
>> static const struct netdev_class OVS_UNUSED dpdk_vhost_cuse_class =
>>@@ -2441,12 +2444,12 @@ static const struct netdev_class OVS_UNUSED
>>dpdk_vhost_cuse_class =
>>         dpdk_vhost_cuse_class_init,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_cuse_construct,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_destruct,
>>-        netdev_dpdk_vhost_cuse_set_multiq,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_send,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_get_carrier,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_get_stats,
>>         NULL,
>>         NULL,
>>+        netdev_dpdk_vhost_cuse_reconfigure,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_rxq_recv);
>> static const struct netdev_class OVS_UNUSED dpdk_vhost_user_class =
>>@@ -2455,12 +2458,12 @@ static const struct netdev_class OVS_UNUSED
>>dpdk_vhost_user_class =
>>         dpdk_vhost_user_class_init,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_user_construct,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_destruct,
>>-        netdev_dpdk_vhost_set_multiq,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_send,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_get_carrier,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_get_stats,
>>         NULL,
>>         NULL,
>>+        netdev_dpdk_vhost_user_reconfigure,
>>         netdev_dpdk_vhost_rxq_recv);
>> void
>>diff --git a/lib/netdev-provider.h b/lib/netdev-provider.h
>>index 9646cca..b405c4b 100644
>>--- a/lib/netdev-provider.h
>>+++ b/lib/netdev-provider.h
>>@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ struct netdev {
>>      * modify them. */
>>     int n_txq;
>>     int n_rxq;
>>-    /* Number of rx queues requested by user. */
>>-    int requested_n_rxq;
>>     int ref_cnt;                        /* Times this devices was
>>opened. */
>>     struct shash_node *node;            /* Pointer to element in global
>>map. */
>>     struct ovs_list saved_flags_list; /* Contains "struct
>>netdev_saved_flags". */
>>@@ -295,13 +293,8 @@ struct netdev_class {
>>      * such info, returns NETDEV_NUMA_UNSPEC. */
>>     int (*get_numa_id)(const struct netdev *netdev);
>>-    /* Configures the number of tx queues and rx queues of 'netdev'.
>>-     * Return 0 if successful, otherwise a positive errno value.
>>-     *
>>-     * 'n_rxq' specifies the maximum number of receive queues to create.
>>-     * The netdev provider might choose to create less (e.g. if the
>>-     * supports only a smaller number).  The actual number of queues
>>-     * is stored in the 'netdev->n_rxq' field.
>>+    /* Configures the number of tx queues of 'netdev'. Returns 0 if
>>+     * otherwise a positive errno value.
>>      *
>>      * 'n_txq' specifies the exact number of transmission queues to
>>      * The caller will call netdev_send() concurrently from 'n_txq'
>>@@ -309,12 +302,8 @@ struct netdev_class {
>>      * making sure that these concurrent calls do not create a race
>>      * by using multiple hw queues or locking.
>>      *
>>-     * On error, the tx queue and rx queue configuration is
>>-     * Caller should make decision on whether to restore the previous or
>>-     * the default configuration.  Also, caller must make sure there is
>>-     * other thread accessing the queues at the same time. */
>>-    int (*set_multiq)(struct netdev *netdev, unsigned int n_txq,
>>-                      unsigned int n_rxq);
>>+     * On error, the tx queue configuration is unchanged. */
>>+    int (*set_multiq)(struct netdev *netdev, unsigned int n_txq);
>>     /* Sends buffers on 'netdev'.
>>      * Returns 0 if successful (for every buffer), otherwise a positive
>>diff --git a/lib/netdev.c b/lib/netdev.c
>>index 2c0918b..49c5534 100644
>>--- a/lib/netdev.c
>>+++ b/lib/netdev.c
>>@@ -106,12 +106,6 @@ netdev_n_rxq(const struct netdev *netdev)
>>     return netdev->n_rxq;
>> }
>>-netdev_requested_n_rxq(const struct netdev *netdev)
>>-    return netdev->requested_n_rxq;
>> bool
>> netdev_is_pmd(const struct netdev *netdev)
>> {
>>@@ -384,7 +378,6 @@ netdev_open(const char *name, const char *type,
>>struct netdev **netdevp)
>>                 /* By default enable one tx and rx queue per netdev. */
>>                 netdev->n_txq = netdev->netdev_class->send ? 1 : 0;
>>                 netdev->n_rxq = netdev->netdev_class->rxq_alloc ? 1 : 0;
>>-                netdev->requested_n_rxq = netdev->n_rxq;
>>                 list_init(&netdev->saved_flags_list);
>>@@ -685,37 +678,26 @@ netdev_rxq_drain(struct netdev_rxq *rx)
>>             : 0);
>> }
>>-/* Configures the number of tx queues and rx queues of 'netdev'.
>>- * Return 0 if successful, otherwise a positive errno value.
>>- *
>>- * 'n_rxq' specifies the maximum number of receive queues to create.
>>- * The netdev provider might choose to create less (e.g. if the hardware
>>- * supports only a smaller number).  The caller can check how many have
>>- * actually created by calling 'netdev_n_rxq()'
>>+/* Configures the number of tx queues of 'netdev'. Returns 0 if
>>+ * otherwise a positive errno value.
>>  *
>>  * 'n_txq' specifies the exact number of transmission queues to create.
>>  * If this function returns successfully, the caller can make 'n_txq'
>>  * concurrent calls to netdev_send() (each one with a different 'qid'
>>in the
>>  * range [0..'n_txq'-1]).
>>  *
>>- * On error, the tx queue and rx queue configuration is indeterminant.
>>- * Caller should make decision on whether to restore the previous or
>>- * the default configuration.  Also, caller must make sure there is no
>>- * other thread accessing the queues at the same time. */
>>+ * On error, the tx queue and rx queue configuration is unchanged */
>Reference to Rx queues is still here :)
>> int
>>-netdev_set_multiq(struct netdev *netdev, unsigned int n_txq,
>>-                  unsigned int n_rxq)
>>+netdev_set_multiq(struct netdev *netdev, unsigned int n_txq)
>> {
>>     int error;
>>     error = (netdev->netdev_class->set_multiq
>>-             ? netdev->netdev_class->set_multiq(netdev,
>>-                                                MAX(n_txq, 1),
>>-                                                MAX(n_rxq, 1))
>>+             ? netdev->netdev_class->set_multiq(netdev, MAX(n_txq, 1))
>>              : EOPNOTSUPP);
>>     if (error && error != EOPNOTSUPP) {
>>-        VLOG_DBG_RL(&rl, "failed to set tx/rx queue for network device
>>+        VLOG_DBG_RL(&rl, "failed to set tx queue for network device %s:"
>>                     "%s", netdev_get_name(netdev), ovs_strerror(error));
>>     }
>>diff --git a/lib/netdev.h b/lib/netdev.h
>>index c2a1d6c..bb3d297 100644
>>--- a/lib/netdev.h
>>+++ b/lib/netdev.h
>>@@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ bool netdev_is_reserved_name(const char *name);
>> int netdev_n_txq(const struct netdev *netdev);
>> int netdev_n_rxq(const struct netdev *netdev);
>>-int netdev_requested_n_rxq(const struct netdev *netdev);
>> bool netdev_is_pmd(const struct netdev *netdev);
>> /* Open and close. */
>>@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ const char *netdev_get_type_from_name(const char *);
>> int netdev_get_mtu(const struct netdev *, int *mtup);
>> int netdev_set_mtu(const struct netdev *, int mtu);
>> int netdev_get_ifindex(const struct netdev *);
>>-int netdev_set_multiq(struct netdev *, unsigned int n_txq, unsigned int
>>+int netdev_set_multiq(struct netdev *, unsigned int n_txq);
>> /* Packet reception. */
>> int netdev_rxq_open(struct netdev *, struct netdev_rxq **, int id);

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