On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 2:11 AM, Ben Pfaff <b...@ovn.org> wrote:

> Database       txn  ACID  consist  trk   HA   OS    C   Py  format
> -------------  ---  ----  -------  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ------
> ActorDB        yes  ACID   strong   NO  yes  yes  yes  yes     sql
> Aerospike      yes  ACID   strong   NO  yes  yes  yes  yes   db/KV
> Cassandra       NO  -C-D  tunable   NO  yes  yes   NO  yes   table
> Cockroach DB   yes  ACID   strong   NO  yes  yes   ?    ?      sql
> Couchbase       NO  ????     ????   NO  yes  NO?  yes  yes    JSON
> CrateIO         NO  ????  EVNTUAL   NO  yes  yes   NO  yes     sql
> etcd            NO  ACID   strong  yes? yes  yes  yes  yes      KV
> Gigaspaces XAP yes  ACID   strong  yes  yes   NO   NO   NO   multi
> HBase           NO  ACID   strong   NO  yes  yes   NO  yes   table
> Hyperdex       yes  ACID   strong   NO  yes   NO  yes  yes      KV
> Hypertable      NO  ????     ????   NO  yes  yes   NO  yes   table
> MongoDB         NO  ACID   strong   ??  yes  yes  yes  yes    JSON
> RAMCloud       yes  ????   strong   NO  yes  yes   NO  yes      KV
> Redis          yes  -C?D     ????   NO  yes  yes  yes  yes      KV
> Riak            NO  ---D  EVNTUAL   NO  yes  yes  yes  yes      KV
> Scalaris       yes  ACI-   strong   NO  yes  yes   NO  yes      KV
> ScyllaDB        NO  -C-D  tunable   NO  yes  yes   NO  yes   table
> Voldemort       NO  ????  EVNTUAL   NO  yes  yes   NO  yes      KV
> Zookeeper      yes  AC-D   strong  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes      KV
> OVSDB          yes  ACID   strong  yes   NO  yes  yes  yes   table

I've shared this message with a few people that I work with that have more
experience evaluating these things than I do to gather some feedback.

Julien Danjou offered the following alternative that I felt was worth
adding to the conversation:

> Database       txn  ACID  consist  trk   HA   OS    C   Py  format
> -------------  ---  ----  -------  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ------
> PostgreSQL     yes  ACID   strong  yes  yes  yes  yes  yes     sql
> PostgreSQL is way more powerful than most people know, and I think it
> offers all the features you need:
> - Size: not an issue, it can handle terabytes and you only seem to need
>   a few hundred of megabytes
> - Scale: not an issue too, can handle thousands of connection per
>   seconds
> - Performance: again, not an issue, can handle very large amounts of it
> - Transactions: yup
> - HA: this can be done, though it requires probably a bit more manual
>   work to be put in place. This can automated in some way, but it's easy
>   to do stream replication with a hot stand by server to recover.
>   Recent versions of PostgreSQL offer tools for that.
> - Open source, as you know :)
> - C client
> - Python client (psycopg2 is pretty good, used it a lot)
> - Table obviously
> - Schema but you know it
> - Network, amirite?
> - Easy to have a lot of read-only replicas
> So yes, it has everything OVN needs. It can push notifications to
> clients via the NOTIFY¹ command (that you can use in any
> procedure/trigger). For example, you could imagine creating a trigger
> that sends a JSON payload for each new update/insert in the database.
> That's literally 10 lines of PL/SQL.
> ¹  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/sql-notify.html
> I think that PostgreSQL would be the safer bet in this move, as:
> - building something on top of etcd would seem weak w.r.t your
> schema/table requirements
> - investing in OVSDB (though keep in mind I don't know it :-) would
> probably end up in redoing a job PostgreSQL people already have done
> better than you would ;-)
> The only questions that this raises to me are:
> - whether PostgreSQL is too large/complex to deploy for OVN. Seeing the
>   list of candidates that were evaluated, I wouldn't think so, but there
>   can be a lot of different opinions on that based on different
>   perception of PostgreSQL. And since you're targeting a network DB, you
>   definitely need a daemon configured and set-up so I'm only partially
>   worried here. :)

I wouldn't think so, but it sounds like I need to study the HA model.

Specific to the OVN+OpenStack use case, I imagine a frequent question would
be, "why do I have to use MariaDB+Galera AND PostgreSQL in the same
environment?!"  I suppose OpenStack works with PostgreSQL, too, and it's
just a deployment choice that most people seem to be using MariaDB+Galera.

Further on that note, I take it MariaDB+Galera is lacking against these
requirements?  Or should it be on this list?

> - if the HA model(s) provided by PostgreSQL can fit the requirement of
>   OVN. I would think so, but I'm not sure on how exactly OVN is on the
>   scale of "resilient vs integrity".

Based on this info, PostgreSQL sounds worth a close look.  (Thanks, Julien!)

Russell Bryant
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