> I don't see how the proposed feature is better than what we already have.  It 
> saves a little memory temporarily, but memory isn't
> usually a big deal in typical OVS environments.  Is there some other 
> advantage?

A couple of points that come into my mind:

1. OpenFlow bundle depends on OF 1.4. Not many controllers support OF 1.4 and 
its bundle mechanism yet. Our proposal has no such dependency.

2. The OVS bundle implementation does not cover groups and meters (yet). Our 
proposal covers all flow state.

3. Memory to store millions of bundled OFP messages may well be significant 
even on typical compute nodes running OVS.

4. How quickly can OVS install a million of bundled flow_mod messages after 
commit?  It appears that the main ofproto_mutex is locked all the time. In our 
proposal all fresh flow state is installed immediately at reception. The 
cleanup of stale flow state after a resync_fisnih command can be handled by a 
background walker thread. No locking required.

5. During transmission of a "resync bundle" (delete all, download all state) a 
controller would have to either buffer new flow/group/meter mods or insert them 
into the bundle. Both requires additional controller logic. In our proposal 
insertion/modification/removal of flows/groups/meters can happen asynchronously 
and almost fully uncoordinated with the resync download, allowing a cleaner 
decoupling in the controller between applications generating flow state and the 
generic switch handler function (e.g. FRM in ODL).

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