Andy Zhou <> wrote on 11/01/2016 10:57:30 PM:
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 5:05 AM, Liran Schour <> wrote:
> Andy Zhou <> wrote on 09/01/2016 02:02:32 AM:
> > 
> > On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 8:58 AM, Liran Schour <> 
> > Andy Zhou <> wrote on 07/01/2016 01:04:17 AM:
> > >
> > > I have some comments on the patch series.
> > >
> > > Instead of "monitor_cond_change", why not just have a more generic
> > > "monitor_update" message, so we can update
> > > monitor columns as well as conditions.
> > >
> > 
> > In case of changing conditions, there is a real need for that. I was
> > getting to it from the perspective of OVN however I believe there are
> > others use cases for that functionality. In case of changing the 
> > columns, I am not sure there is a real need for that. If there is, we 
> > change "monitor_cond_change" to a more generic "monitor_updtae" that 
> > be able to change the monitored columns. However that will add 
> > to the code because columns unlike conditions are being held by
> > ovsdb_monitor and they are common to all jsonrpc monitor session's 
> > this ovsdb_monitor. Changing the columns in the middle will force us 
> > move this jsonrpc monitor session to a new ovsdb_monitor with the new
> > columns. In case of the conditions, they are specific per jsonrpc 
> > session from the start.
> > If there is a real need for changing the monitored columns I can add 
> > functionality to the patch series. Tell me what do you think?
> > Purely from protocol stand point, it would be nice to avoid 
> > introducing new methods
> > if we can avoid it.  If there is not an immediate need for column 
> > changes, we can
> > restrict our implementation to condition changes only to begin 
> > with.  The implementation
> > can simply nack any monitor_updates that contains non-empty 
> > <monitor-request>. 
> >

> I still think there is a difference between the conditions and 
> columns and we should not allow changing columns during session like
> we trying to allow regarding to conditions. Columns is a more static
> element, we know all the columns from the start. 
> I don't think the difference is fundamental to the protocol. 

> In practice, change conditions has immediate use case.  Adding 
> columns (or tables) may be useful down the road. It would be nice to 
> the wire protocol to accommodate it for such use cases down the road. 
> In my opinion if a user wants to change the monitored columns it 
> should cancel the existing monitor session and start a new one with 
> the new columns. 
> This would have the same issues of cancelling a monitored session 
> for where clause changes. 
> It is different in case of conditions. It is a trivial use case to 
> iteratively change the conditions to change the monitored rows. 
> Conditions are a more dynamic issue the columns.
> This may be more implementation specific.
> Anyhow it seems like a specification matter and we already had a 
> review over the spec in the past. Maybe we should raise this 
> question to re-approve the spec before I will implement it.
> What do you think?

> I agree. Sorry this issue did not occur to me during the spec review.  

Following the review we have open issues regarding the spec of 
"monitor_cond_change" method:
1. Do we want to allow the clients to change monitored tables an columns 
via "monitor_cond_change" (we can call it "monitor_update" then)?
At my opinion in case that the client needs to change monitored tables and 
columns it should cancel the existing monitor session and create a new one 
with the desired columns and tables. It is not the case regarding to 
conditions , since conditions are more a dynamic element regarding values 
of columns, a trivial use case will be to iteratively change the 
conditions and by that change the monitored rows. If we choose to allow 
the client to change the monitored tables and columns we also add a 
complexity to the code since tables and columns are being shared with 
multiple client's RPC sessions.

2. Do we want to allow "monitor_cond_change" to change the json-value 
associated with the monitor session?

I add here the existing specification of the method:

The "monitor_cond_change" request enables a client to change an existing 
conditional replication of the database by  specifying  a  new set of 
conditions for each replicated table.

The request object has the following members:

"method": "monitor_cond_change"
"params": [<json-value>, <monitor-cond-change-requests>]
"id": <nonnull-json-value>

The  <json-value>  parameter  should  have  a  value of an existing 
conditional monitoring session from this client. The 
<monitor-cond-change-requests> object maps the name of the table to an 
array of <monitor-cond-change-request>.

Each <monitor-cond-change-request> is an object with the following 

added: [<condition>*]
              new set of conditions to be added to the existing set of 
conditions for this table - optional.

removed: [<condition>*]
              existing conditions to be removed from replication - 

<condition> is specified in Section 5.1 in the RFC with the following 
change: A condition can be  either  a  3-element  JSON  array  as 
described in the RFC or a boolean value. In case of an empty array an 
implicit true boolean value will be considered, and all rows will be 

The response object has the following members:

"result": <table-updates>
"error": null
"id": same "id" as request

The <table-updates2> object is described in detail in Section 4.1.14 in 
the RFC. If insert  contents  are  requested  by  origin  monitor_cond 
request,  <table-updates2>  will  contain any newly matched rows by 
"added" conditions.  If deleted contents are requested by origin monitor 
request, <table-updates2> will contain any matched rows by "removed" 

Changes according to the new conditions are automatically sent to the 
client using the "update2" monitor  notification.  Updates  as  a result 
of a condition change, will be sent only after the client received a 
response to the "monitor_cond_change" request.

- Liran

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