在 2015/12/8 22:57, Russell Bryant 写道:
On 12/08/2015 01:06 AM, Wei Li wrote:

在 2015/12/7 23:30, Russell Bryant 写道:
Can you update the man page, as well?

I would like to do this,but have a question

There is a reference to /db-ctl-base.man/ in /ovn-sbctl.8.in/  implement
by "/.so lib/db-ctl-base.man/"

but ovn-nbctl`s manpage is xml format

How to add a reference to another manual page in xml file?
Good question.  I don't know of an example you can copy so we may have
to create it.  ovn-sbctl needs the same content, but is written in nroff
instead of the XML format.

Perhaps we need an XML equivalent to db-ctl-base.man and then include it
using xi:include.

   <xi:include href="lib/db-ctl-base.xml"/>
xml2nroff use xml.dom.minidom to parse xml, does it support Xinclude?

any one can provide a example?

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