This commit conducts the following documentation changes:

*   add a description in ovn-architecture manual for
    the life cycle about VTEP gateway.

*   add TODOs related to ovn-controller-vtep.

*   refine the ovn-sb, ovn-nb schema manual to require
    logical 'port' type and 'options' configuration.

Signed-off-by: Alex Wang <>
Acked-by: Russell Bryant <>
- rebase.

- adopt suggestions from Russell.
- leave out the documentation of feature that has not been implemented yet.

- add description in ovn-architecture.

V5: new patch.
 ovn/TODO                   |   21 +++++++++++
 ovn/ovn-architecture.7.xml |   87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ovn/ovn-nb.xml             |   31 +++++++++++++---
 ovn/ovn-sb.xml             |   41 +++++++++++++++++----
 4 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ovn/TODO b/ovn/TODO
index 356b3ba..56cac87 100644
--- a/ovn/TODO
+++ b/ovn/TODO
@@ -80,3 +80,24 @@
    So far, both ovn-controller and ovn-controller-vtep only allow
    chassis to have one tunnel encapsulation entry.  We should extend
    the implementation to support multiple tunnel encapsulations.
+** Update learned MAC addresses from VTEP to OVN
+   The VTEP gateway stores all MAC addresses learned from its
+   physical interfaces in the 'Ucast_Macs_Local' and the
+   'Mcast_Macs_Local' tables.  ovn-controller-vtep should be
+   able to update those information back to ovn-sb database,
+   so that other chassis knows where to send packets destined
+   to the extended external network instead of broadcasting.
+** Translate ovn-sb Multicast_Group table into VTEP config
+   The ovn-controller-vtep daemon should be able to translate
+   the Multicast_Group table entry in ovn-sb database into
+   Mcast_Macs_Remote table configuration in VTEP database.
+* Use BFD as tunnel monitor.
+   Both ovn-controller and ovn-contorller-vtep should use BFD to
+   monitor the tunnel liveness.  Both ovs-vswitchd schema and
+   VTEP schema supports BFD.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ovn/ovn-architecture.7.xml b/ovn/ovn-architecture.7.xml
index c9ac597..ef13b56 100644
--- a/ovn/ovn-architecture.7.xml
+++ b/ovn/ovn-architecture.7.xml
@@ -806,6 +806,93 @@
+  <h2>Life Cycle of a VTEP gateway</h2>
+  <p>
+    A gateway is a chassis that forwards traffic between the OVN-managed
+    part of a logical network and a physical VLAN,  extending a
+    tunnel-based logical network into a physical network.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    The steps below refer often to details of the OVN and VTEP database
+    schemas.  Please see <code>ovn-sb</code>(5), <code>ovn-nb</code>(5)
+    and <code>vtep</code>(5), respectively, for the full story on these
+    databases.
+  </p>
+  <ol>
+    <li>
+      A VTEP gateway's life cycle begins with the administrator registering
+      the VTEP gateway as a <code>Physical_Switch</code> table entry in the
+      <code>VTEP</code> database.  The <code>ovn-controller-vtep</code>
+      connected to this VTEP database, will recognize the new VTEP gateway
+      and create a new <code>Chassis</code> table entry for it in the
+      <code>OVN_Southbound</code> database.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      The administrator can then create new <code>Logical_Switch</code>
+      table entry, and bind particular vlan on VTEP gateway's port to
+      any VTEP logical switch.  Once a VTEP logical switch is bound to
+      a VTEP gateway, the <code>ovn-controller-vtep</code> will detect
+      it and add its name to the <var>vtep_logical_switches</var>
+      column of the <code>Chassis</code> table in the <code>
+      OVN_Southbound</code> database.  Note, the <var>tunnel_key</var>
+      column of VTEP logical switch is not filled at creation.  The
+      <code>ovn-controller-vtep</code> will set the column when the
+      correponding vtep logical switch is bound to an OVN logical network.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      Now, the administrator can use the CMS to add VTEP logical switch
+      to the OVN logical network.  To do that, the CMS must first create a
+      new <code>Logical_Port</code> table entry in the <code>
+      OVN_Northbound</code> database.  Then, the <var>type</var> column
+      of this entry must be set to "vtep".  Next, the <var>
+      vtep-logical-switch</var> and <var>vtep-physical-switch</var> keys
+      in the <var>options</var> column must also be specified, since
+      multiple VTEP gateways can attach to the same VTEP logical switch.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      The newly created logical port in the <code>OVN_Northbound</code>
+      database and its configuration will be passed down to the <code>
+      OVN_Southbound</code> database as a new <code>Port_Binding</code>
+      table entry.  The <code>ovn-controller-vtep</code> will recognize the
+      change and bind the logical port to the corresponding VTEP gateway
+      chassis.  Configuration of binding same VTEP logical switch to
+      different OVN logical networks is not allowed and warning will be
+      generated in the log.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      Beside binding to the VTEP gateway chassis, the <code>
+      ovn-controller-vtep</code> will update the <var>tunnel_key</var>
+      column of the VTEP logical switch to the corresponding <code>
+      Datapath_Binding</code> table entry's <var>tunnel_key</var> for the
+      bound OVN logical network.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      Next, the <code>ovn-controller-vtep</code> will keep reacting to the
+      <code>Port_Binding</code> table and the <code>Multicast_Group</code>
+      table configuration change in the <code>OVN_Northbound</code> database,
+      and updating the <code>Ucast_Macs_Remote</code> table and the <code>
+      Mcast_Macs_Remote</code> table in the <code>VTEP</code> database,
+      respectively.  This allows the VTEP gateway understand  where to
+      forward the traffic coming from the extended external network.
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      Eventually, the VTEP gateway's life cycle ends when the administrator
+      unregisters the VTEP gateway from the <code>VTEP</code> database.
+      The <code>ovn-controller-vtep</code> will recognized the event and
+      remove all related configurations in the <code>OVN_Southbound</code>
+      database.
+    </li>
+  </ol>
   <h1>Design Decisions</h1>
   <h2>Tunnel Encapsulations</h2>
diff --git a/ovn/ovn-nb.xml b/ovn/ovn-nb.xml
index ade8164..5bb9265 100644
--- a/ovn/ovn-nb.xml
+++ b/ovn/ovn-nb.xml
@@ -111,18 +111,37 @@
     <column name="type">
       Specify a type for this logical port.  Logical ports can be used to model
-      other types of connectivity into an OVN logical switch.  Leaving this 
-      blank maintains the default logical port behavior.
+      other types of connectivity into an OVN logical switch.  Leaving this
+      column blank maintains the default logical port behavior, which is
+      for a VM (or VIF) interface.  Besides, the following types are
+      defined:
-      <p>
-      There are no other logical port types implemented yet.
-      </p>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code>vtep</code></dt>
+        <dd>A port to a logical switch on a VTEP gateway.  In order
+        to get this port correctly recognized by the ovn controller, the
+        <ref column="options" table="Logical_Port"/>:vtep_physical_switch
+        and <ref column="options" table="Logical_Port"/>:vtep_logical_switch
+        must also be defined.</dd>
+      </dl>
     <column name="options">
+      <p>
         This column provides key/value settings specific to the logical port
-        <ref column="type"/>.
+        <ref column="type"/>.  The following options are defined:
+      </p>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code>vtep_physical_switch</code></dt>
+        <dd>The name of the VTEP gateway.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code>vtep_logical_switch</code></dt>
+        <dd>A logical switch name connected by the VTEP gateway.</dd>
+      </dl>
     <column name="parent_name">
diff --git a/ovn/ovn-sb.xml b/ovn/ovn-sb.xml
index 57e9689..443cdc6 100644
--- a/ovn/ovn-sb.xml
+++ b/ovn/ovn-sb.xml
@@ -172,7 +172,13 @@
       <column name="vtep_logical_switches">
         Stores all vtep logical switch names connected by this gateway
-        chassis.
+        chassis.  The <ref table="Port_Binding"/> table entry with
+        <ref column="options" table="Port_Binding"/>:vtep_physical_switch
+        equal <ref table="Chassis"/> <ref column="name" table="Chassis"/>,
+        and <ref column="options" table="Port_Binding"/>:vtep_logical_switch
+        value in <ref table="Chassis"/>
+        <ref column="vtep_logical_switches" table="Chassis"/>, will be
+        associated with this <ref table="Chassis"/>.
@@ -894,18 +900,39 @@
     <column name="type">
       A type for this logical port.  Logical ports can be used to model
-      other types of connectivity into an OVN logical switch.  Leaving this 
-      blank maintains the default logical port behavior.
+      other types of connectivity into an OVN logical switch.  Leaving this
+      column blank maintains the default logical port behavior, which
+      is for a VM (or VIF) interface.  Besides, the following types are
+      defined:
-      <p>
-      There are no other logical port types implemented yet.
-      </p>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code>vtep</code></dt>
+        <dd>A port to a logical switch on a VTEP gateway chassis.  In order
+        to get this port correctly recognized by the ovn controller, the
+        <ref column="options" table="Port_Binding"/>:vtep_physical_switch
+        and <ref column="options" table="Port_Binding"/>:vtep_logical_switch
+        must also be defined.</dd>
+      </dl>
     <column name="options">
+      <p>
         This column provides key/value settings specific to the logical port
-        <ref column="type"/>.
+        <ref column="type"/>.  The following options are defined:
+      </p>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code>vtep_physical_switch</code></dt>
+        <dd>The <ref column="name" table="Chassis"/> of the VTEP gateway
+        chassis.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code>vtep_logical_switch</code></dt>
+        <dd>A logical switch name in VTEP gateway chassis's
+        <ref column="vtep_logical_switches" table="Chassis"/>.</dd>
+      </dl>
     <column name="tunnel_key">

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