This commit extends the vtep module to support creating the
'Ucast_Macs_Remote' table entries in the vtep database for
MAC addresses on the ovn logical ports.

Signed-off-by: Alex Wang <>
- rebase.

- rebase on top of master.
- rewrite the feature since a lot have changed.

- add logic to remove Ucast_Macs_Remote for non-existent MACs.

- rebase to master.

- split into separate commit.
- few optimizations.
 ovn/controller-vtep/vtep.c   |  329 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 tests/ |  136 +++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 418 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ovn/controller-vtep/vtep.c b/ovn/controller-vtep/vtep.c
index 55d2e0d..1545b39 100644
--- a/ovn/controller-vtep/vtep.c
+++ b/ovn/controller-vtep/vtep.c
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
 #include "lib/hash.h"
 #include "lib/hmap.h"
-#include "lib/smap.h"
+#include "lib/shash.h"
+#include "lib/sset.h"
 #include "lib/util.h"
 #include "ovn-controller-vtep.h"
 #include "openvswitch/vlog.h"
@@ -29,69 +30,239 @@
- * Scans through the Binding table in ovnsb and updates the vtep logical
- * switch tunnel keys.
+ * Scans through the Binding table in ovnsb, and updates the vtep logical
+ * switch tunnel keys and the 'Ucast_Macs_Remote' table in the VTEP
+ * database.
+/* Searches the 'chassis_rec->encaps' for the first vtep tunnel
+ * configuration, returns the 'ip'. */
+static const char *
+get_chassis_vtep_ip(const struct sbrec_chassis *chassis_rec)
+    if (chassis_rec) {
+        size_t i;
+        for (i = 0; i < chassis_rec->n_encaps; i++) {
+            if (!strcmp(chassis_rec->encaps[i]->type, "vxlan")) {
+                return chassis_rec->encaps[i]->ip;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return NULL;
+/* Creates a new 'Ucast_Macs_Remote'. */
+static struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *
+create_umr(struct ovsdb_idl_txn *vtep_idl_txn, const char *mac,
+           const struct vteprec_logical_switch *vtep_ls)
+    struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *new_umr;
+    new_umr = vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_insert(vtep_idl_txn);
+    vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_set_MAC(new_umr, mac);
+    vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_set_logical_switch(new_umr, vtep_ls);
+    return new_umr;
+/* Creates a new 'Physical_Locator'. */
+static struct vteprec_physical_locator *
+create_pl(struct ovsdb_idl_txn *vtep_idl_txn, const char *chassis_ip)
+    struct vteprec_physical_locator *new_pl;
+    new_pl = vteprec_physical_locator_insert(vtep_idl_txn);
+    vteprec_physical_locator_set_dst_ip(new_pl, chassis_ip);
+    vteprec_physical_locator_set_encapsulation_type(new_pl, VTEP_ENCAP_TYPE);
+    return new_pl;
 /* Updates the vtep Logical_Switch table entries' tunnel keys based
  * on the port bindings. */
 static void
-vtep_lswitch_run(struct controller_vtep_ctx *ctx)
+vtep_lswitch_run(struct shash *vtep_pbs, struct shash *vtep_lswitches)
-    struct shash vtep_lswitches = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&vtep_lswitches);
-    const struct sbrec_port_binding *port_binding_rec;
-    const struct vteprec_logical_switch *vtep_ls;
-    /* Stores all logical switches to 'vtep_lswitches' with name as key. */
-    VTEPREC_LOGICAL_SWITCH_FOR_EACH (vtep_ls, ctx->vtep_idl) {
-        shash_add(&vtep_lswitches, vtep_ls->name, vtep_ls);
-    }
+    struct sset used_ls = SSET_INITIALIZER(&used_ls);
+    struct shash_node *node;
-    ovsdb_idl_txn_add_comment(ctx->vtep_idl_txn,
-                              "ovn-controller-vtep: update logical switch "
-                              "tunnel keys");
     /* Collects the logical switch bindings from port binding entries.
      * Since the binding module has already guaranteed that each vtep
      * logical switch is bound only to one ovn-sb logical datapath,
      * we can just iterate and assign tunnel key to vtep logical switch. */
-    SBREC_PORT_BINDING_FOR_EACH(port_binding_rec, ctx->ovnsb_idl) {
-        if (!strcmp(port_binding_rec->type, "vtep")
-            && port_binding_rec->chassis) {
-            const char *lswitch_name = smap_get(&port_binding_rec->options,
-                                                "vtep-logical-switch");
-            /* If 'port_binding_rec->chassis' exists then 'lswitch_name'
-             * must also exist. */
-            ovs_assert(lswitch_name);
-            vtep_ls = shash_find_and_delete(&vtep_lswitches, lswitch_name);
-            if (!vtep_ls) {
-                VLOG_ERR("logical port (%s) bound to non-exist vtep logical "
-                         "switch (%s), something is seriously wrong",
-                         port_binding_rec->logical_port, lswitch_name);
-            } else {
-                int64_t tnl_key;
-                tnl_key = port_binding_rec->datapath->tunnel_key;
-                if (vtep_ls->n_tunnel_key
-                    && vtep_ls->tunnel_key[0] != tnl_key) {
-                    VLOG_DBG("set vtep logical switch (%s) tunnel key from "
-                             "(%"PRId64") to (%"PRId64")", vtep_ls->name,
-                             vtep_ls->tunnel_key[0], tnl_key);
-                }
+    SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, vtep_pbs) {
+        const struct sbrec_port_binding *port_binding_rec = node->data;
+        const char *lswitch_name = smap_get(&port_binding_rec->options,
+                                            "vtep-logical-switch");
+        const struct vteprec_logical_switch *vtep_ls;
+        /* 'lswitch_name' must exist. */
+        ovs_assert(lswitch_name);
+        vtep_ls = shash_find_data(vtep_lswitches, lswitch_name);
+        if (!vtep_ls) {
+            /* This could only happen when someone is messing up
+             * using ovn-sbctl command. */
+            VLOG_ERR("logical port (%s) bound to non-exist vtep logical "
+                     "switch (%s), something is seriously wrong",
+                     port_binding_rec->logical_port, lswitch_name);
+        } else {
+            int64_t tnl_key;
+            tnl_key = port_binding_rec->datapath->tunnel_key;
+            if (vtep_ls->n_tunnel_key
+                && vtep_ls->tunnel_key[0] != tnl_key) {
+                VLOG_DBG("set vtep logical switch (%s) tunnel key from "
+                         "(%"PRId64") to (%"PRId64")", vtep_ls->name,
+                         vtep_ls->tunnel_key[0], tnl_key);
                 vteprec_logical_switch_set_tunnel_key(vtep_ls, &tnl_key, 1);
+            /* sset will ignore duplicates. */
+            sset_add(&used_ls, lswitch_name);
+    /* Resets the tunnel keys for unused vtep logical switches. */
+    SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, vtep_lswitches) {
+        const struct vteprec_logical_switch *vtep_ls = node->data;
+        if (!sset_find(&used_ls, vtep_ls->name)) {
+            int64_t tnl_key = 0;
+            vteprec_logical_switch_set_tunnel_key(node->data, &tnl_key, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    sset_destroy(&used_ls);
+/* Updates the vtep 'Ucast_Macs_Remote' table based on non-vtep port
+ * bindings. */
+static void
+vtep_macs_run(struct ovsdb_idl_txn *vtep_idl_txn, struct shash 
+              struct shash *physical_locators, struct shash *vtep_lswitches,
+              struct shash *other_pbs)
     struct shash_node *node;
-    /* Resets the tunnel keys for the rest of vtep logical switches. */
-    SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &vtep_lswitches) {
-        int64_t tnl_key = 0;
+    struct hmap ls_map;
+    /* Maps from ovn logical datapath tunnel key (which is also the vtep
+     * logical switch tunnel key) to the corresponding vtep logical switch
+     * instance.  Also, the shash map 'added_macs' is used for checking
+     * duplicated MAC addresses in the same ovn logical datapath. */
+    struct ls_hash_node {
+        struct hmap_node hmap_node;
+        const struct vteprec_logical_switch *vtep_ls;
+        struct shash added_macs;
+    };
+    hmap_init(&ls_map);
+    SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, vtep_lswitches) {
+        struct ls_hash_node *ls_node = xmalloc(sizeof *ls_node);
-        vteprec_logical_switch_set_tunnel_key(node->data, &tnl_key, 1);
+        ls_node->vtep_ls = node->data;
+        shash_init(&ls_node->added_macs);
+        hmap_insert(&ls_map, &ls_node->hmap_node,
+                    hash_uint64((uint64_t) ls_node->vtep_ls->tunnel_key[0]));
-    shash_destroy(&vtep_lswitches);
+    SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, other_pbs) {
+        const struct sbrec_port_binding *port_binding_rec = node->data;
+        const struct sbrec_chassis *chassis_rec;
+        struct ls_hash_node *ls_node;
+        const char *chassis_ip;
+        int64_t tnl_key;
+        int i;
+        chassis_rec = port_binding_rec->chassis;
+        chassis_ip = get_chassis_vtep_ip(chassis_rec);
+        /* Unreachable chassis, continue. */
+        if (!chassis_ip) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        tnl_key = port_binding_rec->datapath->tunnel_key;
+        HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (ls_node, hmap_node,
+                                 hash_uint64((uint64_t) tnl_key),
+                                 &ls_map) {
+            if (ls_node->vtep_ls->tunnel_key[0] == tnl_key) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        /* If 'ls_node' is NULL, that means no vtep logical switch is
+         * attached to the corresponding ovn logical datapath, so pass. */
+        if (!ls_node) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < port_binding_rec->n_mac; i++) {
+            const struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *umr;
+            const struct vteprec_physical_locator *pl;
+            const struct sbrec_port_binding *conflict;
+            char *mac = port_binding_rec->mac[i];
+            /* xxx Need to address this. */
+            if (!strcmp(mac, "unknown")) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            /* Checks for duplicate MAC in the same vtep logical switch. */
+            conflict = shash_find_data(&ls_node->added_macs, mac);
+            if (conflict) {
+                VLOG_WARN("MAC address (%s) has already been known to be "
+                          "on logical port (%s) in the same logical "
+                          "datapath, so just ignore this logical port (%s)",
+                          mac, conflict->logical_port,
+                          port_binding_rec->logical_port);
+                continue;
+            }
+            shash_add(&ls_node->added_macs, mac, port_binding_rec);
+            char *mac_ip = xasprintf("%s%s", mac, chassis_ip);
+            umr = shash_find_data(ucast_macs_rmts, mac_ip);
+            /* If finds the 'umr' entry for the mac and ip, deletes the
+             * entry from shash so that it is not gargage collected.
+             *
+             * If not found, creates a new 'umr' entry.
+             *
+             * If vtep logical switch does not match, the logical port
+             * owning the MAC may be moved to a new ovn logical datapath.
+             * In that case, just creates a new umr entry for the MAC.
+             * The old one will be garbage collected. */
+            if (umr && umr->logical_switch == ls_node->vtep_ls) {
+                shash_find_and_delete(ucast_macs_rmts, mac_ip);
+            } else {
+                const struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *new_umr;
+                new_umr = create_umr(vtep_idl_txn, mac, ls_node->vtep_ls);
+                pl = shash_find_data(physical_locators, chassis_ip);
+                if (pl) {
+                    vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_set_locator(new_umr, pl);
+                } else {
+                    const struct vteprec_physical_locator *new_pl;
+                    new_pl = create_pl(vtep_idl_txn, chassis_ip);
+                    vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_set_locator(new_umr, new_pl);
+                    /* Updates the 'physical_locators'. */
+                    shash_add(physical_locators, chassis_ip, new_pl);
+                }
+            }
+            free(mac_ip);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Removes all remaining 'umr's, since they do not exist anymore. */
+    SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, ucast_macs_rmts) {
+        vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_delete(node->data);
+    }
+    struct ls_hash_node *iter, *next;
+    HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (iter, next, hmap_node, &ls_map) {
+        hmap_remove(&ls_map, &iter->hmap_node);
+        shash_destroy(&iter->added_macs);
+        free(iter);
+    }
+    hmap_destroy(&ls_map);
 /* Since we do not own any vtep logical switch, just sets their tunnel key
@@ -107,6 +278,19 @@ vtep_lswitch_cleanup(struct ovsdb_idl *vtep_idl)
+/* Removes all entries in the 'Ucast_Macs_Remote' table in vtep database.
+ * Returns true when all done. */
+static bool
+vtep_macs_cleanup(struct ovsdb_idl *vtep_idl)
+    const struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *umr;
+        vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_delete(umr);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
 /* Updates vtep logical switch tunnel keys. */
@@ -115,7 +299,59 @@ vtep_run(struct controller_vtep_ctx *ctx)
     if (!ctx->vtep_idl_txn) {
-    vtep_lswitch_run(ctx);
+    struct shash vtep_lswitches = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&vtep_lswitches);
+    struct shash ucast_macs_rmts = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&ucast_macs_rmts);
+    struct shash physical_locators = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&physical_locators);
+    struct shash vtep_pbs = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&vtep_pbs);
+    struct shash other_pbs = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&other_pbs);
+    const struct vteprec_logical_switch *vtep_ls;
+    const struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *umr;
+    const struct vteprec_physical_locator *pl;
+    const struct sbrec_port_binding *port_binding_rec;
+    /* Collects 'Logical_Switch's. */
+    VTEPREC_LOGICAL_SWITCH_FOR_EACH (vtep_ls, ctx->vtep_idl) {
+        shash_add(&vtep_lswitches, vtep_ls->name, vtep_ls);
+    }
+    /* Collects 'Ucast_Macs_Remote's. */
+    VTEPREC_UCAST_MACS_REMOTE_FOR_EACH (umr, ctx->vtep_idl) {
+        char *mac_ip =
+            xasprintf("%s%s", umr->MAC,
+                     umr->locator ? umr->locator->dst_ip : "");
+        shash_add(&ucast_macs_rmts, mac_ip, umr);
+        free(mac_ip);
+    }
+    /* Collects 'Physical_Locator's. */
+    VTEPREC_PHYSICAL_LOCATOR_FOR_EACH (pl, ctx->vtep_idl) {
+        shash_add(&physical_locators, pl->dst_ip, pl);
+    }
+    /* Collects and classifies 'Port_Binding's. */
+    SBREC_PORT_BINDING_FOR_EACH(port_binding_rec, ctx->ovnsb_idl) {
+        struct shash *target =
+            !strcmp(port_binding_rec->type, "vtep") ? &vtep_pbs : &other_pbs;
+        if (!port_binding_rec->chassis) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        shash_add(target, port_binding_rec->logical_port, port_binding_rec);
+    }
+    ovsdb_idl_txn_add_comment(ctx->vtep_idl_txn,
+                              "ovn-controller-vtep: update logical switch "
+                              "tunnel keys and 'ucast_macs_remote's");
+    vtep_lswitch_run(&vtep_pbs, &vtep_lswitches);
+    vtep_macs_run(ctx->vtep_idl_txn, &ucast_macs_rmts, &physical_locators,
+                  &vtep_lswitches, &other_pbs);
+    shash_destroy(&vtep_lswitches);
+    shash_destroy(&ucast_macs_rmts);
+    shash_destroy(&physical_locators);
+    shash_destroy(&vtep_pbs);
+    shash_destroy(&other_pbs);
 /* Cleans up all created vtep related entries.  Returns true when all done. */
@@ -129,6 +365,5 @@ vtep_cleanup(struct controller_vtep_ctx *ctx)
                               "cleans up vtep configuration");
-    return true;
+    return vtep_macs_cleanup(ctx->vtep_idl);
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index ea58636..8d8b7c4 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -294,3 +294,139 @@ AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl --columns=tunnel_key list 
Logical_Switch | cut -d ':' -f2 | t
+# Tests vtep module 'Ucast_Macs_Remote's.
+AT_SETUP([ovn-controller-vtep - test vtep-macs 1])
+# creates a simple logical network with the vtep device and a fake hv chassis
+# 'ch0'.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-add br-test vif0])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-set-macs vif0 f0:ab:cd:ef:01:02])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl chassis-add ch0 vxlan])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl lport-bind vif0 ch0])
+# creates the logical switch in vtep and adds the corresponding logical
+# port to 'br-test'.
+AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl add-ls lswitch0 -- bind-ls br-vtep p0 100 lswitch0])
+OVN_NB_ADD_VTEP_PORT([br-test], [br-vtep_lswitch0], [br-vtep], [lswitch0])
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`ovn-sbctl list Port_Binding  | grep 
+# adds another lswitch 'br-void' in ovn-nb database.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lswitch-add br-void])
+# adds fake hv chassis 'ch1'.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-add br-void vif1])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-set-macs vif1 f0:ab:cd:ef:01:02])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl chassis-add ch1 vxlan])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl lport-bind vif1 ch1])
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`ovn-sbctl list Port_Binding | grep vif1`"])
+# checks Ucast_Macs_Remote creation.
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`vtep-ctl list Ucast_Macs_Remote | grep _uuid`"])
+AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl --columns=MAC list Ucast_Macs_Remote | cut -d ':' -f2- | tr 
-d ' '], [0], [dnl
+# checks physical locator creation.
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`vtep-ctl list Physical_Locator | grep _uuid`"])
+AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl --columns=dst_ip list Physical_Locator | cut -d ':' -f2 | 
tr -d ' ' | grep -v | sed '/^$/d'], [0], [dnl
+# checks tunnel creation by ovs-vtep.
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`ovs-vsctl list Interface bfd1.2.3.5`"])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-vsctl --columns=options list Interface bfd1.2.3.5 | cut -d ':' 
-f2 | tr -d ' '], [0], [dnl
+# adds another mac to lport.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-set-macs vif0 f0:ab:cd:ef:01:02 f0:ab:cd:ef:01:03])
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`vtep-ctl list Ucast_Macs_Remote | grep 03`"])
+AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl --columns=MAC list Ucast_Macs_Remote | cut -d ':' -f2- | tr 
-d ' ' | sort], [0], [dnl
+# removes one mac to lport.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-set-macs vif0 f0:ab:cd:ef:01:03])
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -z "`vtep-ctl --columns=MAC list Ucast_Macs_Remote | grep 
+AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl --columns=MAC list Ucast_Macs_Remote | cut -d ':' -f2- | tr 
-d ' ' | sort], [0], [dnl
+# migrates mac to lport vif1 on 'br-void'.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-set-macs vif0])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-set-macs vif1 f0:ab:cd:ef:01:03])
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -z "`vtep-ctl --columns=MAC list Ucast_Macs_Remote | grep 
+AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl --columns=MAC list Ucast_Macs_Remote | cut -d ':' -f2- | tr 
-d ' ' | sort], [0], [dnl
+# Tests vtep module 'Ucast_Macs_Remote's (corner cases).
+AT_SETUP([ovn-controller-vtep - test vtep-macs 2])
+# creates a simple logical network with the vtep device and a fake hv chassis
+# 'ch0'.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-add br-test vif0])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-set-macs vif0 f0:ab:cd:ef:01:02])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl chassis-add ch0 vxlan])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl lport-bind vif0 ch0])
+# creates another vif in the same logical switch with duplicate mac.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-add br-test vif1])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-set-macs vif1 f0:ab:cd:ef:01:02])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl lport-bind vif1 ch0])
+# creates the logical switch in vtep and adds the corresponding logical
+# port to 'br-test'.
+AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl add-ls lswitch0 -- bind-ls br-vtep p0 100 lswitch0])
+OVN_NB_ADD_VTEP_PORT([br-test], [br-vtep_lswitch0], [br-vtep], [lswitch0])
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`ovn-sbctl list Port_Binding  | grep 
+# checks Ucast_Macs_Remote creation.  Should still only be one entry, since 
+# mac in the same logical switch is not allowed.
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`vtep-ctl list Ucast_Macs_Remote | grep _uuid`"])
+AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl --columns=MAC list Ucast_Macs_Remote | cut -d ':' -f2- | tr 
-d ' '], [0], [dnl
+# confirms the warning log.
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`grep WARN ovn-controller-vtep.log`"])
+AT_CHECK([sed -n 's/^.*\(|WARN|.*\)$/\1/p' ovn-controller-vtep.log | sed 
's/([[-_:0-9a-z]][[-_:0-9a-z]]*)/()/g' | uniq], [0], [dnl
+|WARN|MAC address () has already been known to be on logical port () in the 
same logical datapath, so just ignore this logical port ()
+# deletes vif1.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-del vif1])
+# adds another lswitch 'br-void' in ovn-nb database.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lswitch-add br-void])
+# adds fake hv chassis 'ch1' and vif1 with same mac address as vif0.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-add br-void vif1])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lport-set-macs vif1 f0:ab:cd:ef:01:02])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl chassis-add ch1 vxlan])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl lport-bind vif1 ch1])
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`ovn-sbctl list Port_Binding | grep vif1`"])
+# creates another logical switch in vtep and adds the corresponding logical
+# port to 'br-void'.
+AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl add-ls lswitch1 -- bind-ls br-vtep p0 200 lswitch1])
+OVN_NB_ADD_VTEP_PORT([br-void], [br-void_lswitch1], [br-vtep], [lswitch1])
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -n "`ovn-sbctl list Port_Binding  | grep 
+# checks Ucast_Macs_Remote creation.  Should see two entries since it is 
+# to have duplicate macs in different logical switches.
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test `vtep-ctl --columns=MAC list Ucast_Macs_Remote | grep 02 
| wc -l` -gt 1])
+AT_CHECK([vtep-ctl --columns=MAC list Ucast_Macs_Remote | cut -d ':' -f2- | tr 
-d ' ' | sort], [0], [dnl
+OVN_CONTROLLER_VTEP_STOP(["/has already been known to be on logical port/d"])

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