On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 04:19:46PM +0530, Saloni Jain wrote:
> 2. ovs-ofctl -O Openflow14 mod-table <br> <table_id> vacancy-<low..high>   -- 
> To be implemented
> OFPTC14_VACANCY_EVENTS is the only set table-mod config property and eviction 
> if configured previously will get unset.

I don't think it's good for mod-table to affect properties that the user
didn't request.  I suggest that "ovs-ofctl table-mod" should, when
necessary, first use an OFPMP_TABLE_DESC request to obtain the current
configuration, then modify it according to the user's request.

I'd drop the other forms of the command you mention.  Instead, each
command should modify one property.
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