It's much easier for a script to parse a number than a date.

Well, I tried to use time_msec instead of time_wall_msec() in an attempt to see how the output would look like.

To me, the original proposal of printing wall clock time

[root@rtr-29-225-196-232 ~]# ovs-appctl bfd/show
---- port3.4094 ----
         Forwarding: true
         Detect Multiplier: 3
         Concatenated Path Down: false
         TX Interval: Approx 500ms
         RX Interval: Approx 500ms
         Detect Time: now -1116ms
         Next TX Time: now -436ms
         Last TX Time: now +19ms
         Last Flap Time: 2015-06-25 00:36:22.372 <<<
[..] <snip>

made lot more sense than printing something like

[sabyasse@sabyasg-lnx-90 sabyasse]$ sudo ovs-appctl bfd/show
---- enp0s10.4094 ----
        Forwarding: true
        Detect Multiplier: 3
        Concatenated Path Down: false
        TX Interval: Approx 2000ms
        RX Interval: Approx 2000ms
        Detect Time: now -4944ms
        Next TX Time: now -728ms
        Last TX Time: now +1012ms
        Last Flap Time: now +2617332ms <<<<

Again, the whole purpose for this was to give some kind of heads up to the user about flap and when that happened. (FWIW, I was also thinking of printing flap_count in bfd/show as well if that made sense).

So.... if there is agreement in printing wall clock time, I'm fine with printing GMT as suggested in this thread. Otherwise, if following existing convention for displaying msecs only in bfd/show is a concern, I'm also fine in NOT displaying "Last Flap Time" at all from ovs-appctl bfd/show, but just saving the wall clock time in ovsdb as scripts can still read it from there.
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