Hi Franck
On 8 June 2015 at 09:34, Franck BAUDIN <franck.bau...@qosmos.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Conntrack looks in very good progress on
> https://github.com/justinpettit/ovs.git

> However, I didn't find any code related to "nfqueue" openvswitch action,
> neither on
> https://github.com/tgraf/ovs.git.
> Is the nfqueue action still planned to be implemented for openvswitch 2.4?
> Do you need a hand on this topic?
Unfortunately, I am not aware of anyone working actively on this. There are
some difficulties that we see with implementing NFQueue verdicts properly
so that packet processing could be resumed. If you have design proposal on
how to solve this, then I would be glad to hear your opinion.

Also, do you think that Open vSwitch kernel module's userspace() action
might somehow suffice your use cases so that user-space process would be
able to get packet from kernel-space?


> Best Regards,
> Franck
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