> On Apr 14, 2015, at 1:41 PM, Ben Pfaff <b...@nicira.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 08:25:59PM +0000, Sorin Vinturis wrote:
>> The nl_sock_transact_multiple function enters in an infinite loop,
>> when invalid error, EINVAL, is returned by nl_sock_transact_multiple__.
>> EINVAL is the error returned by the latter function when a driver
>> request fails.
>> Signed-off-by: Sorin Vinturis <svintu...@cloudbasesolutions.com>
>> Reported-by: Alin Gabriel Serdean <aserd...@cloudbasesolutions.com>
>> Reported-at: 
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_openvswitch_ovs-2Dissues_issues_57&d=AwIGaQ&c=Sqcl0Ez6M0X8aeM67LKIiDJAXVeAw-YihVMNtXt-uEs&r=pNHQcdr7B40b4h6Yb7FIedI1dnBsxdDuTLBYD3JqV80&m=BCtSQ7DHL7pHXhiSkvwQK8-jnNwHwzs2l6FydHeVFQ4&s=tmLYKmqY4znbvlzSXVB3tkTwuwrgghsF_B-VbbhLHdw&e=
> I see that this fixes a bug, even on Linux.  Thank you.  It's actually
> a pretty serious bug (given the infinite loop), but I guess that it
> must not occur in any normal circumstances, otherwise we would have
> heard about it over the years.
> However, I want to make sure of something before I commit it.
> nl_sock_transact_multiple__() should only return an error in the case
> of a "transport" error, that is, of some problem communicating with
> the datapath (e.g. the kernel module has been removed or something
> similarly fatal).  It should not return an error in cases where some
> message asks the datapath to do something erroneous (e.g. to add a
> flow that the datapath doesn't understand, to delete a vport that
> doesn't exist, ...).  This is because only in the former case should
> all of the transactions be aborted; in the latter case, any remaining
> transactions should still be processed.

What is the genetlink semantics for returning an error from the OVS module in 
Linux. I looked at the OVS code, and it returns -EINVAL if it runs into a 
condition of invalid input (eg. flow with key & UFID missing). If OVS module 
returns -EINVAL, does Linux’s netlink layer massage the message to insert the 
error into a ‘struct nlmsgerr’, and return 0?

We have a little confusion about that. We currently return the error (and also 
the struct nlmsgerr) in the equivalent of recvmsg().

-- Nithin

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