Sorin. Thanks for the answers. Let me debug on the call to ‘FilterNetPnPEvent’ 
and review the code. Thanks for your patience.

-- Nithin

> On Apr 14, 2015, at 7:22 AM, Sorin Vinturis 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Nithin,
> Please see my answers inline.
> Thanks,
> Sorin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nithin Raju [] 
> Sent: Monday, 13 April, 2015 20:55
> To: Sorin Vinturis
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [ovs-dev] [PATCH] datapath-windows: extension fails to be enabled
>> On Apr 9, 2015, at 5:20 AM, Sorin Vinturis 
>> <> wrote:
>> The extension failed to be activated during booting due to the failure 
>> to initialize tunnel filter. This happened because the Base Filtering 
>> Engine
>> (BFE) is not started and no session to the engine could be acquired.
>> The solution for this was to registered a BFE notification callback 
>> that is called whenever the BFE's state changes. Only if the BFE's 
>> state is running the tunnel filter is initialized.
>> Also, I have removed an inappropriate assert from the 
>> FilterNetPnPEvent routine, OvsExtNetPnPEvent. When NDIS calls the 
>> FilterNetPnPEvent routine, the extension is in paused state and, 
>> obviously, the switch is not active. The switch becomes active after 
>> FilterRestart routine is called and the restart is successfully complete.
> Sorin,
> Would you mind splitting up the patch into two parts since they are not 
> related to each other.
> SV: I'll do that.
>> @@ -526,7 +523,6 @@ OvsExtNetPnPEvent(NDIS_HANDLE filterModuleContext,
>>            switchContext->isActivateFailed = TRUE;
>>        } else {
>>            ASSERT(switchContext->isActivated == FALSE);
>> -            ASSERT(switchActive == TRUE);
>>            if (switchContext->isActivated == FALSE && switchActive == TRUE) {
>>                status = OvsActivateSwitch(switchContext);
>>                OVS_LOG_TRACE("OvsExtNetPnPEvent: activated switch: %p 
>> “
> I look at the change in FilterNetPnPEvent callback. Your change looks good, 
> but I am also wondering if we should remove the ‘switchActive == TRUE’ check 
> in the ‘if()’ condition.
> SV: The FilterNetPnPEvent callback is called for a "NetEventSwitchActivate" 
> NetPnpEvent notification just after FilterAttach routine call and before 
> FilterRestart. Looking at the "Module States of a Filter Driver" picture, 
>  , we can conclude that when NetPnpEvent notification arrives the module is 
> in paused state. Thus I think that we cannot remove the switchActive check 
> from the condition you have specified.
> The ASSERT() is active only on debug builds anyway.
> I looked at the documentation for “FilterNetPnPEvent”:
> And couldn’t figure out why the switch mini port would call the 
> ‘FilterNetPnPEvent’ function. I set a breakpoint on the function and 
> activated the switch, and didn’t see the breakpoint hit. Only the Attach and 
> Restart breakpoints hit but not the FilterNetPnPEvent.
> 1. Did you see it hit?
> SV: Yes, I saw when the ‘FilterNetPnPEvent’ function is called. Boot in 
> Hyper-V, enable the extension and restart the machine. Then in the booting 
> phase the extension is loaded, DriverEntry routine is called, then 
> FilterAttach, FilterNetPnPEvent and then FilterRestart. This is the sequence 
> of the calls.
> 2. If it was hit, was it hit after the “Restart” function? I don’t know if 
> the current logic would work if it was hit after “Restart”. I looked the 
> sample code provided by Microsoft, and they also have call to “init switch” 
> without much checks for whether the “init switch” has already been called or 
> not.
> SV: No, the FilterRestart is called after the FilterNetPnPEvent call as I 
> explained in the previous answer.
> -- Nithin

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