The documentation to run the executables has fallen behind quite
a bit. In this patch, we make a few updates. There's more to come.

The patch assumes the user has not run 'make install' or does not
have access to an installer.

Signed-off-by: Nithin Raju <>
v2: updated the steps based on the offline conversation with Guru. | 356 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 239 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index e84013a..cd6ba40 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -136,128 +136,251 @@ Steps to install the module
 01> Run ./uninstall.cmd to remove the old extension.
-02> Run ./install.cmd to insert the new one. For this to work you will have to
+02> Run ./install.cmd to insert the new one.  For this to work you will have to
 turn on TESTSIGNING boot option or 'Disable Driver Signature Enforcement'
 during boot.
-03> In the Virtual Switch Manager configuration you should now see "VMWare OVS
-Extension" under 'Virtual Switch Extensions'. Click the check box to enable the
-Steps to run the user processes & configure VXLAN ports
-01> Create the conf db file.
-ovsdb\ovsdb-tool.exe create conf.db .\vswitchd\vswitch.ovsschema
-02> Run ovsdb-server
-ovsdb\ovsdb-server.exe -v --remote=ptcp:6640: conf.db
-03> Create integration bridge & pif bridge
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: add-br br-int
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: add-br br-pif
-04> Dump the ports
-utilities\ovs-dpctl.exe show
-* Sample output shows up like this. Currently it is not possible to figure out
-* the mapping between VIF and VM from the output.
-$ utilities\ovs-dpctl.exe show
-socket: Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed.
-                                        <<< Ignore this error, it is harmless.
-        lookups: hit:0 missed:0 lost:0
-        flows: 0
-        masks: hit:0 total:0 hit/pkt:0.00
-        port 16777216: internal            <<< VTEP created by 
-                                               setting
-        port 16777225: external.1          <<< Physical NIC
-        port 16777288: vmNICEmu.1000048    <<< VIF #1
-        port 16777289: vmNICSyn.1000049    <<< VIF #2
-05> Add the physical NIC and the internal port to br-pif
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: add-port br-pif <port name>
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: add-port br-pif external.1
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: add-port br-pif internal
-06> Add the VIFs to br-int
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: add-port br-int <port name>
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: add-port br-int 
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: add-port br-int 
-07> Verify the status
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: show
-$ utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: show
-    Bridge br-pif
-        Port internal
-            Interface internal
-        Port "external.1"
-            Interface "external.1"
-        Port br-pif
-            Interface br-pif
-                type: internal
-    Bridge br-int
-        Port br-int
-            Interface br-int
-                type: internal
-        Port "vmNICEmu.1000048"
-            Interface "vmNICEmu.1000048"
-        Port "vmNICSyn.1000049"
-            Interface "vmNICSyn.1000049"
-09> Run vswitchd
-vswitchd\ovs-vswitchd.exe -v tcp:
-10> You can figure out the port name to MAC address mapping now. (optional)
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: list interface
-//********** VXLAN PORT CONFIGURATION (Supports Multiple ports) ************//
-(Remove all patch ports added to create VLAN networks.)
-11> Add the vxlan port between <->
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: add-port br-int vxlan-1
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: set Interface vxlan-1 
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: set Interface vxlan-1 
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: set Interface vxlan-1 
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: set Interface vxlan-1 
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: set Interface vxlan-1 
-12> Add the vxlan port between <->
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: add-port br-int vxlan-2
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: set Interface vxlan-2 
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: set Interface vxlan-2 
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: set Interface vxlan-2 
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: set Interface vxlan-2 
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe --db=tcp: set Interface vxlan-2 
-//********** VLAN CONFIGURATION (Using patch ports) ************//
-(Remove all VXLAN ports from the configuration.)
-13> Add a patch port from br-int to br-pif
-utilities/ovs-vsctl.exe -- add-port br-int patch-to-pif
-utilities/ovs-vsctl.exe -- set interface patch-to-pif type=patch 
-14> Add a patch port from br-pif to br-int
-utilities/ovs-vsctl.exe -- add-port br-pif patch-to-int
-utilities/ovs-vsctl.exe -- set interface patch-to-int type=patch 
-15> Re-Add the VIF ports with the VLAN tag
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br-int vmNICEmu.1000048 tag=900
-utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br-int vmNICSyn.1000049 tag=900
+03> In the Virtual Switch Manager configuration you can enable the Open vSwitch
+Extension on an existing switch or create a new switch.  If you are using an
+existing switch, make sure to enable the "Allow Management OS" option for VXLAN
+to work (covered later).
+The command to create a new switch named 'OVS-Extended-Switch' using a physical
+NIC named 'Ethernet 1' is:
+    % New-VMSwitch "OVS-Extended-Switch" -AllowManagementOS $true \
+                   -NetAdapterName "Ethernet 1"
+Note: you can obtain the list of physical NICs on the host using
+'Get-NetAdapter' command.
+04> In the properties of any switch, you should should now see "Open
+vSwitch Extension" under 'Extensions'.  Click the check box to enable the
+extension.  An alternative way to do the same is to run the following command:
+    % Enable-VMSwitchExtension "Open vSwitch Extension" OVS-Extended-Switch
+Note: If you enabled the extension using the command line, a delay of a few
+seconds has been observed for the change to be reflected in the UI.  This is
+not a bug in Open vSwitch.
+Steps to run the user processes & configure ports
+NOTE: The userspace executables built in Open vSwitch for Hyper-V links
+statically with the pthread library mentioned above.  However, the pthread
+library has been found to have a dependency on a DLL file called
+"pthreadVC2.dll" which is part of the pthread package and typically resides in
+"C:\pthread\dll\x86".  In order to resolve the dependency, add the location of
+the DLL file to Windows environment variable %Path%.  An alternative is to copy
+the DLL file into each of the directories where the OVS executables are
+located.  Without having this DLL dependency resolved, the OVS executables will
+not run.  They exit without showing any error/output.
+01> Create the OVSDB file
+    % ovsdb\ovsdb-tool.exe create conf.db .\vswitchd\vswitch.ovsschema
+02> Start ovsdb-server [IN A NEW CONSOLE]
+    % ovsdb\ovsdb-server.exe -v --remote=punix:db.sock conf.db
+03> Start ovs-vswitchd [IN A NEW CONSOLE]
+    % vswitchd\ovs-vswitchd.exe -v
+04> Create integration bridge & pif bridge
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-br br-int
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-br br-pif
+NOTE: There's a known bug that running the ovs-vsctl.exe command does not
+terminate.  This is generally solved by having ovs-vswitchd.exe running.  If
+you face the issue despite that, hit Ctrl-C to terminate ovs-vsctl.exe and
+check the output to see if your command succeeded.
+NOTE: There's a known bug that the ports added to OVSDB via ovs-vsctl.exe don't
+get to the kernel datapath immediately, ie. they don't whow up in the output of
+"ovs-dpctl.exe show" even though they show up in output of "ovs-vsctl.exe
+show".  In order to workaround this issue, restart ovs-vswitchd.exe.
+05> Dump the ports in the kernel datapath
+.\    % utilities\ovs-dpctl.exe show
+* Sample output is as follows:
+    % utilities\ovs-dpctl.exe show
+    system@ovs-system:
+            lookups: hit:0 missed:0 lost:0
+            flows: 0
+            port 2: br-pif (internal)     <<< internal port on 'br-pif' bridge
+            port 1: br-int (internal)     <<< internal port on 'br-int' bridge
+06> Dump the ports in the OVSDB
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe show
+* Sample output is as follows:
+    % .\ovs-vsctl.exe show
+    a56ec7b5-5b1f-49ec-a795-79f6eb63228b
+        Bridge br-pif
+            Port br-pif
+                Interface br-pif
+                    type: internal
+        Bridge br-int
+            Port br-int
+                Interface br-int
+                    type: internal
+07> Add the physical NIC and the internal port to br-pif.
+In OVS for Hyper-V, we use 'external' as a special name to refer to the
+physical NICs connected to the Hyper-V switch.  An index is added to this
+special name to refer to the particular physical NIC. Eg. 'external.1' refers
+to the first physical NIC on the Hyper-V switch.
+Note: Currently, we assume that the Hyper-V switch on which OVS extension is
+enabled has a single physical NIC connected to it.
+Interal port is the virtual adapter created on the Hyper-V switch using the
+'AllowManagementOS' setting.  This has already been setup while creating the
+switch using the instructions above.  In OVS for Hyper-V, we use a 'internal'
+as a special name to refer to that adapter.
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br-pif external.1
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br-pif internal
+* Dumping the ports should show the additional ports that were just added.
+  Sample output shows up as follows:
+    % utilities\ovs-dpctl.exe show
+    system@ovs-system:
+            lookups: hit:0 missed:0 lost:0
+            flows: 0
+            port 4: internal (internal)   <<< 'AllowManagementOS' adapter on
+                                              Hyper-V switch
+            port 2: br-pif (internal)
+            port 1: br-int (internal
+            port 3: external.1            <<< Physical NIC
+    % .\ovs-vsctl.exe show
+    a56ec7b5-5b1f-49ec-a795-79f6eb63228b
+        Bridge br-pif
+            Port internal
+                Interface internal
+            Port br-pif
+                Interface br-pif
+                    type: internal
+        Bridge br-int
+            Port "external.1"
+                Interface "external.1"
+            Port br-int
+                Interface br-int
+                    type: internal
+08> Add the VIFs to br-int
+Adding VIFs to openvswitch is a two step procedure.  The first step is to
+assign a 'OVS port name' which is a unique name across all VIFs on this
+Hyper-V.  The next step is to add the VIF to the ovsdb using its 'OVS port
+name' as key.
+08a> Assign a unique 'OVS port name' to the VIF
+Note that the VIF needs to have been disconnected from the Hyper-V switch
+before assigning a 'OVS port name' to it.  In the example below, we assign a
+'OVS port name' called 'ovs-port-a' to a VIF on a VM by name 'VM1'.  By using
+index 0 for '$vnic', the first VIF of the VM is being addressed.  After
+assigning the name 'ovs-port-a', the VIF is connected back to the Hyper-V
+switch with name 'OVS-HV-Switch', which is assumed to be the Hyper-V switch
+with OVS extension enabled.
+    Eg:
+    % import-module .\datapath-windows\misc\OVS.psm1
+    % $vnic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter <Name of the VM>
+    % Disconnect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $vnic[0]
+    % $vnic[0] | Set-VMNetworkAdapterOVSPort -OVSPortName ovs-port-a
+    % Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter $vnic[0] \
+                               -SwitchName OVS-Extended-Switch
+08b> Add the VIFs to br-int in ovsdb
+    Eg:
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br-int ovs-port-a
+09> Verify the status
+    % utilities\ovs-dpctl.exe show
+    system@ovs-system:
+            lookups: hit:0 missed:0 lost:0
+            flows: 0
+            port 4: internal (internal)
+            port 5: ovs-port-a
+            port 2: br-pif (internal)
+            port 1: br-int (internal
+            port 3: external.1
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe show
+    4cd86499-74df-48bd-a64d-8d115b12a9f2
+        Bridge br-pif
+            Port internal
+                Interface internal
+            Port "external.1"
+                Interface "external.1"
+            Port br-pif
+                Interface br-pif
+                    type: internal
+        Bridge br-int
+            Port br-int
+                Interface br-int
+                    type: internal
+            Port "ovs-port-a"
+                Interface "ovs-port-a"
+Steps to configure patch ports and switch VLAN tagging
+The Windows Open vSwitch implementation support VLAN tagging in the switch.
+Switch VLAN tagging along with patch ports between 'br-int' and 'br-pif' is
+used to configure VLAN tagging functionality between two VMs on different
+Hyper-Vs.  The following examples demonstrate how it can be done:
+01> Add a patch port from br-int to br-pif
+    % utilities/ovs-vsctl.exe -- add-port br-int patch-to-pif
+    % utilities/ovs-vsctl.exe -- set interface patch-to-pif type=patch \
+                                 options:peer=patch-to-int
+02> Add a patch port from br-pif to br-int
+    % utilities/ovs-vsctl.exe -- add-port br-pif patch-to-int
+    % utilities/ovs-vsctl.exe -- set interface patch-to-int type=patch \
+                                 options:peer=patch-to-pif
+03> Re-Add the VIF ports with the VLAN tag
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br-int ovs-port-a tag=900
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br-int ovs-port-b tag=900
+Steps to add VXLAN tunnels
+The Windows Open vSwitch implementation support VXLAN tunnels.  To add VXLAN
+tunnels, the following steps serve as examples.
+Note that, any patch ports created between br-int and br-pif MUST be beleted
+prior to adding VXLAN tunnels.
+01> Add the vxlan port between <->
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br-int vxlan-1
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe set Interface vxlan-1 type=vxlan
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe set Interface vxlan-1 \
+                                  options:local_ip=
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe set Interface vxlan-1 \
+                                  options:remote_ip=
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe set Interface vxlan-1 options:in_key=flow
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe set Interface vxlan-1 options:out_key=flow
+02> Add the vxlan port between <->
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br-int vxlan-2
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe set Interface vxlan-2 type=vxlan
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe set Interface vxlan-2 \
+                                  options:local_ip=
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe set Interface vxlan-2 \
+                                  options:remote_ip=
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe set Interface vxlan-2 options:in_key=flow
+    % utilities\ovs-vsctl.exe set Interface vxlan-2 options:out_key=flow
 * We require that you don't disable the "Allow management operating system to
 share this network adapter" under 'Virtual Switch Properties' > 'Connection
 type: External network', in the HyperV virtual network switch configuration.
@@ -269,7 +392,6 @@ disabling TX/RX offloads for both the VM's as well as the 
 Windows autobuild service
 AppVeyor ( provides a free Windows autobuild service for
 opensource projects.  Open vSwitch has integration with AppVeyor for
 continuous build.  A developer can build test his changes for Windows by

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