On Tue, 17 Mar 2015 12:04:33 -0700: Alex Wang <al...@nicira.com> wrote:
  > Then I sent another patch (which uses 'trim') in-reply-to this thread.
  > After
  > that I spent more time investigating and found a bug in function
  > _ovs_vsctl_complete_key_given_table_column().  So, with the new patch
  > + the additional changes below, we can workaround setting
  > COMP_WORDBREAKS and still have the fancy completions.
  > So, what do you think?

This looks great, thanks!  I just have a couple of quick
comments/questions on the _ovs_vsctl_trim_compreply function: firstly,
is there a reason that the if statements are styled differently from
most of the others in the file (they have the condition on a separate
line)?  Also, would it be better to make _ovs_vsctl_trim_compreply
use a different method of input/output (instead of directly modifying
COMPREPLY) so that we can use it in test mode as well?
_ovs_vsctl_trim_compreply currently uses a very different method of
trimming from that used in test mode...


Peter Amidon

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