On Nov 12, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Eitan Eliahu <elia...@vmware.com> wrote:

> Hi Nithin,
> For all port add/delete functionality we need to validate in three major port 
> states:
> [1] The port exists  on the Hyper-V Virtual Switch but there is not 
> corresponding port in OVS.
> [2] The port exists in OVS user-mode but there is no corresponding VSwitch 
> port.
> [3] The port is on the VSwitch and there is a corresponding OVS port.
> [4] The port is not connected to the switch (VM is down).
> [5] Special handling for Internal and External ports.

#1, #3 are the same.

#4 is not practically important since from the OVS extension perspective, we 
can't even know if a VM is powered on or not. The only thing we care about is 
if a VM's NIC gets connected/disconnected.

As mentioned in the cover letter for the patch series #5 is not tested, and I 
know it won't work. I know the fix though, and will make it in a subsequent 
patch. This series is already complicated enough, and I want to make progress 
for VIF ports. I can assure you that the change for the #5 is not big.

> Also, for memory leak verification uninstallation should be performed after 
> there were packets were transferred over this port.
> We need to perform these test with the Verifier enabled.

Running with the verifer is a separate activity, and I have not exercised it. I 
did do uninstall though, and uninstall did not hang, nor did I hit the 
following ASSERTs()
ASSERT(switchContext->numHvPorts == 0);
ASSERT(switchContext->numNonHvPorts == 0);

So, I am satisfied that no vports are being leaked.

> Can you exercise these scenarios ?

Yes, with the caveats I have mentioned for #5, I have exercised the scenarios 

-- Nithin
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