> +    if (vport->hvDeleted || OvsIsTunnelVportType(vport->ovsType)) {
> +        /*
> +         * The associated hyper-v switch port is not in created state, or,
> +         * there is no hyper-v switch port counterpart (for logical ports).
> +         * This means that this datapath port is not mapped to a living
> +         * hyper-v switc hport. We can destroy and remove the vport from the
> +         * list.
> +        */
> +        OvsRemoveAndDeleteVport(gOvsSwitchContext, vport);
> +    } else {
> +        /* The associated hyper-v switch port is in the created state, and
> the
> +         * datapath port is mapped to a living hyper-v switch port. We
> cannot
> +         * destroy the vport and cannot remove it from the list of vports.
> +         * Instead, we mark the datapath (ovs) part of the vport as
> +         * "not created", i.e. we set vport->portNo =
> +        */
> +        vport->portNo = OVS_DPPORT_NUMBER_INVALID;
> +        vport->ovsName[0] = '\0';
> +    }

There's a bug here that leads to memory corruption. When a vport is deleted, we 
are invalidating 'vport->portNo' and 'vport->ovsName'. But, we are not removing 
it from the 'ovsNameHashArray', and 'portNoHashArray'. If the same Vport is 
added back again, it gets re-inserted into the same list leading to pointer 

Pls. fold in the following fix:
diff --git a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c 
index 1af207a..acd9dbb 100644
--- a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c
+++ b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c
@@ -2055,6 +2055,8 @@ OvsDeleteVportCmdHandler(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT 
          * Instead, we mark the datapath (ovs) part of the vport as
          * "not created", i.e. we set vport->portNo = OVS_PORT_NUMBER_INVALID.
+        RemoveEntryList(&vport->ovsNameLink);
+        RemoveEntryList(&vport->portNoLink);
         vport->portNo = OVS_DPPORT_NUMBER_INVALID;
         vport->ovsName[0] = '\0';

-- Nithin
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