On Sep 30, 2014, at 7:52 AM, Samuel Ghinet <sghi...@cloudbasesolutions.com> 

> The field portLink of the OVS_VPORT_ENTRY is the link within the
> OVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT's hash array of vports portHashArray, hashed by the
> portId field of the OVS_VPORT_ENTRY.
> Later on, we will need to modify the OVS_VPORT_ENTRY so that its port
> numbers are set to maximum MAXUINT16. This will require that the field
> vportArray of OVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT be removed and replaced with a hash
> array, portNoHashArray. Also, a new field, portNoLink, will need to be
> added to OVS_VPORT_ENTRY. In order to differentiate between portHashArray
> and portNoHashArray, portHashArray is renamed to portIdHashArray. Also,
> in order to differentiate between portLink and portNoLink, portLink
> is renamed to portIdLink.
> In a future patch the vport functionality will be changed to constraint
> the port numbers to MAXUINT16.
> Signed-off-by: Samuel Ghinet <sghi...@cloudbasesolutions.com>

Looks good.

Acked-by: Nithin Raju <nit...@vmware.com>
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