Adding a few more comments:

a.  OvsComputeVportNo should be in Vport.c.
b. OvsNewVportCmdHandler should be moved to Vport.c
c. BuildMsgOut, BuildReplyMsgFromMsgIn and BuildErrorMsg are not Port specific. 
We should be generic Netlink APIs (add one if they do not exist).
d. HvOnCreatePort: The scenario where hvDeleted is TRUE and vport!= NULL should 
be a no op.
e. OvsInitVxlanTunnel:  Lets keep the return type of OvsInitVxlanTunnel  to be 
consistent at NTSTATUS.

From: Eitan Eliahu
Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 2:55 PM
To: Samuel Ghinet;
Cc: Alin Serdean; Nithin Raju; Ankur Sharma
Subject: RE: [PATCH 11/14] datapath-windows: Add netlink command: vport new

I realize this code should handle many cases but it is a good start.
There are three major cases:
[1] Hv port is already exists but OVS port is not. This is the major case but 
it seems to me it is not handled correctly. It seems that we need to use the 
already created HvName and populate the OvsName and the PortNo fileds
[2] Hv port is already exists and  OVS port exists. Id it the case of port 
recreation where the PortNo should be updated?
[3] Hv and OVS port do not exist . This is the case where the OVS port is added 
but the VM is powered down. I'm not sure how this case is handled.

Some comments inline.

-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Ghinet []
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 7:59 AM
Cc: Alin Serdean; Nithin Raju; Eitan Eliahu; Ankur Sharma
Subject: [PATCH 11/14] datapath-windows: Add netlink command: vport new

Does the following:
a. before creating the vport, makes sure there is no existing vport with the 
same ovs (datapath) port name. If this is not so, it means that the specified 
port already exists: it returns NL_ERROR_EXIST.
b. looks up the vport:
  o) if the vport type is "internal", then the internal vport of the
  hyper-v switch is yielded.
  o) if the vport type is "netdev" and the vport ovs (datapath) name
  is "external", then the external vport is yielded. The switch can
  have only one "external" vport. The method of looking up the
  "external" port can be changed later, if a better method is found.
  o) if the vport type is "netdev" but the name is not "external",
  then a VM VNic is assumed, so the vport is looked up by hyper-v
  switch port friendly name.
  o) if none of the above, a tunneling vport type is expected, which
  in our case, at the moment, can only be the one vxlan vport. Only
  one vxlan vport is allowed, and it's saved in
  switchContext->vxlanVport. The tunneling vport is the only kind
  which is created in the netlink command vport new, because it does
  not have a hyper-v switch port counterpart.
c. if the vport could not be found (non-tunneling vports), then the 
NL_ERROR_INVAL is returned to the userspace.
d. if the vport was found, but it has a valid ovs (datapath) port number, it 
means that this port was already created by a netlink command vport new. 
Therefore, NL_ERROR_EXIST is returned to the userspace.
e. if the netlink command vport new specified an ovs (datapath) port number, 
then it means that the userspace is trying to re-create a
vport: that specified port number will be used. Otherwise, a new ovs (datapath) 
port number is computed and assigned to the vport.
f. the ovsName field of the vport is set to the name given by the 
OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME netlink attribute. The ovsNameLen is no longer stored in 
the OVS_VPORT_ENTRY struct, because ovsName is null-terminated.
g. the "portOptions" are set to the vport, if the attribute 
OVS_VPORT_ATTR_OPTIONS was given. Otherwise, it is set to NULL.
portOptions is a PNL_ATTR, which is yet to be implemented. The only option 
available for now would be vxlan udp destination port, but we have a constant 
value there, so this option is not yet needed.
h. the upcall pid is set to the vport.
i. if the vport type is vxlan, then the vport pointer is also saved to 
j. Now that the ovs (datapath) port number and the ovs name were set, the vport 
can be added to the hash array of vports, hashed on ovs name and to the hash 
array of vports hashed by ovs (datapath) port number.
k. the reply is yielded to the userspace.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Ghinet <>
 datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c | 235 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.c    |  68 ++++-------
 datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.h    |  19 ++-
 datapath-windows/ovsext/Vxlan.c    |  48 +++++---
 datapath-windows/ovsext/Vxlan.h    |   4 +-
 5 files changed, 298 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

diff --git a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c 
index eec65b3..dc03961 100644
--- a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c
+++ b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include "NetProto.h"
 #include "Flow.h"
 #include "User.h"
+#include "Vxlan.h"

 #ifdef OVS_DBG_MOD
 #undef OVS_DBG_MOD
@@ -102,7 +103,8 @@ static NetlinkCmdHandler OvsGetPidCmdHandler,
-                         OvsGetVportCmdHandler;
+                         OvsGetVportCmdHandler,
+                         OvsNewVportCmdHandler;

 static NTSTATUS HandleGetDpTransaction(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx,
                                        UINT32 *replyLen); @@ -194,6 +196,11 @@ 
NETLINK_CMD nlVportFamilyCmdOps[] = {
       .supportedDevOp = OVS_WRITE_DEV_OP | OVS_READ_DEV_OP |
       .validateDpIndex = TRUE
+    },
+    { .cmd = OVS_VPORT_CMD_NEW,
+      .handler = OvsNewVportCmdHandler,
+      .supportedDevOp = OVS_TRANSACTION_DEV_OP,
+      .validateDpIndex = TRUE

@@ -1491,6 +1498,9 @@ OvsGetVport(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx,
     POVS_MESSAGE msgOut = (POVS_MESSAGE)usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer;
+    PCHAR portName = NULL;
+    UINT32 portNameLen = 0;

     static const NL_POLICY ovsVportPolicy[] = {
         [OVS_VPORT_ATTR_PORT_NO] = { .type = NL_A_U32, .optional = TRUE }, @@ 
-1523,12 +1533,17 @@ OvsGetVport(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx,

     if (vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME] != NULL) {
-        vport = OvsFindVportByOvsName(gOvsSwitchContext,
-            NlAttrGet(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME]),
-            NlAttrGetSize(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME]) - 1);
+        portName = NlAttrGet(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME]);
+        portNameLen = NlAttrGetSize(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME]);
+        /* the port name is expected to be null-terminated */
+        ASSERT(portName[portNameLen - 1] == '\0');
Should we hold the dispatchLock here. It doesn't look like we hold it inside 
the function.
+        vport = OvsFindVportByOvsName(gOvsSwitchContext, portName);
     } else if (vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_PORT_NO] != NULL) {
-        vport = OvsFindVportByPortNo(gOvsSwitchContext,
-            NlAttrGetU32(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_PORT_NO]));
+        portNumber = NlAttrGetU32(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_PORT_NO]);
+        vport = OvsFindVportByPortNo(gOvsSwitchContext, portNumber);
     } else {
         nlError = NL_ERROR_INVAL;
         goto Cleanup;
@@ -1588,6 +1603,214 @@ OvsGetVportCmdHandler(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT 


+static UINT32
+OvsComputeVportNo(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext) {
+    /* we are not allowed to create the port OVS_DPPORT_LOCAL */
+    for (ULONG i = OVS_DPPORT_LOCAL + 1; i < MAXUINT16; ++i) {
+        POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport;
+        vport = OvsFindVportByPortNo(switchContext, i);
+        if (!vport) {
+            return i;
+        }
+    }
+static NTSTATUS
+OvsNewVportCmdHandler(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx,
+                      UINT32 *replyLen) {
+    LOCK_STATE_EX lockState;
+    POVS_MESSAGE msgIn = (POVS_MESSAGE)usrParamsCtx->inputBuffer;
+    POVS_MESSAGE msgOut = (POVS_MESSAGE)usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer;
+    PCHAR portName;
+    ULONG portNameLen;
+    UINT32 portType;
+    UINT32 hash;
+    static const NL_POLICY ovsVportPolicy[] = {
+        [OVS_VPORT_ATTR_PORT_NO] = { .type = NL_A_U32, .optional = TRUE },
+        [OVS_VPORT_ATTR_TYPE] = { .type = NL_A_U32, .optional = FALSE },

Please add minLen = 2
+        [OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME] = { .type = NL_A_STRING, .maxLen = IFNAMSIZ,
+                                  .optional = FALSE},
+        [OVS_VPORT_ATTR_UPCALL_PID] = { .type = NL_A_UNSPEC,
+                                        .optional = FALSE },
+        [OVS_VPORT_ATTR_OPTIONS] = { .type = NL_A_NESTED, .optional = TRUE },
+    };
+    PNL_ATTR vportAttrs[ARRAY_SIZE(ovsVportPolicy)];
+    /* input buffer has been validated while validating write dev op. */
+    ASSERT(usrParamsCtx->inputBuffer != NULL);
+    if (msgOut == NULL || usrParamsCtx->outputLength < sizeof *msgOut) {
+    }
+    if (!NlAttrParse((PNL_MSG_HDR)msgIn,
+        ovsVportPolicy, vportAttrs, ARRAY_SIZE(vportAttrs))) {
Perhaps we can have a better error code (STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE this should be 
replaced in other places as well
+    }
+    OvsAcquireCtrlLock();
+    if (!gOvsSwitchContext) {
+        OvsReleaseCtrlLock();
+    }
+    OvsReleaseCtrlLock();
+    portName = NlAttrGet(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME]);
+    portNameLen = NlAttrGetSize(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME]);
+    portType = NlAttrGetU32(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_TYPE]);
+    /* we are expecting null terminated strings to be passed */
+    ASSERT(portName[portNameLen - 1] == '\0');
+    NdisAcquireRWLockWrite(gOvsSwitchContext->dispatchLock, &lockState,
+ 0);
+    vport = OvsFindVportByOvsName(gOvsSwitchContext, portName);
+    if (vport) {
+        nlError = NL_ERROR_EXIST;
+        goto Cleanup;
+    }
+    if (portType == OVS_VPORT_TYPE_INTERNAL) {
+        vport = gOvsSwitchContext->internalVport;
+    } else if (portType == OVS_VPORT_TYPE_NETDEV) {
+        if (!strcmp(portName, "external")) {
+            vport = gOvsSwitchContext->externalVport;
+        } else {
+            vport = OvsFindVportByHvName(gOvsSwitchContext, portName);
+        }
+    } else {
+        /* XXX: change when other tunneling ports are added */
+        ASSERT(portType == OVS_VPORT_TYPE_VXLAN);
+        if (gOvsSwitchContext->vxlanVport) {
+            nlError = NL_ERROR_EXIST;
+            goto Cleanup;
+        }
Why allocating new vport of the HV port already exist?  Should we just populate 
the OvsName and the VportNo
+        vport = (POVS_VPORT_ENTRY)OvsAllocateVport();
+        if (vport == NULL) {
+            nlError = NL_ERROR_NOMEM;
+            goto Cleanup;
+        }
+        vport->ovsState = OVS_STATE_PORT_CREATED;
+        /*
+         * XXX: when we allow configuring the vxlan udp port, we should read
+         * this from vport->options instead!
+        */
+        nlError = OvsInitVxlanTunnel(vport, VXLAN_UDP_PORT);
+        if (nlError != NL_ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+            goto Cleanup;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!vport) {
+        nlError = NL_ERROR_INVAL;
+        goto Cleanup;
+    }
+    if (vport->portNo != OVS_DPPORT_NUMBER_INVALID) {
+        nlError = NL_ERROR_EXIST;
+        goto Cleanup;
+    }
+    /* Fill the data in vport */
+    vport->ovsType = portType;
+    if (vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_PORT_NO] != NULL) {
+        /*
+        * XXX: when we implement the limit for ovs port number to be
+        * MAXUINT16, we'll need to check the port number received from the
+        * userspace.
+        */
+        vport->portNo = NlAttrGetU32(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_PORT_NO]);
+    } else {
+        vport->portNo = OvsComputeVportNo(gOvsSwitchContext);
+        if (vport->portNo == OVS_DPPORT_NUMBER_INVALID) {
+            nlError = NL_ERROR_NOMEM;
+            goto Cleanup;
+        }
+    }
+    /* The ovs port name must be uninitialized. */
+    ASSERT(vport->ovsName[0] == '\0');
+    RtlCopyMemory(vport->ovsName, portName, portNameLen);
+    /* if we don't have options, then vport->portOptions will be NULL */
+    vport->portOptions = vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_OPTIONS];
+    /*
+    * XXX: when we implement OVS_DP_ATTR_USER_FEATURES in datapath,
+    * we'll need to check the OVS_DP_F_VPORT_PIDS flag: if it is set,
+    * it means we have an array of pids, instead of a single pid.
+    * ATM we assume we have one pid only.
+    */
+    vport->upcallPid =
+ NlAttrGetU32(vportAttrs[OVS_VPORT_ATTR_UPCALL_PID]);
+    if (vport->ovsType == OVS_VPORT_TYPE_VXLAN) {
+        gOvsSwitchContext->vxlanVport = vport;
+    } else if (vport->ovsType == OVS_VPORT_TYPE_INTERNAL) {
+        gOvsSwitchContext->internalVport = vport;
+        gOvsSwitchContext->internalPortId = vport->portId;
+    } else if (vport->ovsType == OVS_VPORT_TYPE_NETDEV &&
+               vport->isExternal) {
+        gOvsSwitchContext->externalVport = vport;
+        gOvsSwitchContext->externalPortId = vport->portId;
+    }
+    /*
+     * insert the port into the hash array of ports: by port number and ovs
+     * and ovs (datapath) port name.
+     * NOTE: OvsJhashWords has portNo as "1" word. This is ok, because the
+     * portNo is stored in 2 bytes only (max port number = MAXUINT16).
+    */
+    hash = OvsJhashWords(&vport->portNo, 1, OVS_HASH_BASIS);
+    InsertHeadList(&gOvsSwitchContext->portNoHashArray[hash & OVS_VPORT_MASK],
+                   &vport->portNoLink);
+    hash = OvsJhashBytes(vport->ovsName, portNameLen, OVS_HASH_BASIS);
+    InsertHeadList(&gOvsSwitchContext->ovsPortNameHashArray[hash & 
+                   &vport->ovsNameLink);
+    status = OvsCreateMsgFromVport(vport, msgIn, usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer,
+                                   usrParamsCtx->outputLength,
+                                   gOvsSwitchContext->dpNo);
+    *replyLen = msgOut->nlMsg.nlmsgLen;
+    NdisReleaseRWLock(gOvsSwitchContext->dispatchLock, &lockState);
+    if (nlError != NL_ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+            usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer;
+        if (vport && vport->ovsType == OVS_VPORT_TYPE_VXLAN) {
+            OvsRemoveAndDeleteVport(gOvsSwitchContext, vport);
+        }
+        BuildErrorMsg(msgIn, msgError, nlError);
+        *replyLen = msgError->nlMsg.nlmsgLen;
+    }
+    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  *  Utility function to map the output buffer in an IRP. The buffer is assumed 
diff --git a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.c b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.c 
index 5de17fc..7cee140 100644
--- a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.c
+++ b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.c
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
 extern POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT gOvsSwitchContext;  extern PNDIS_SPIN_LOCK 

-static POVS_VPORT_ENTRY OvsAllocateVport(VOID);  static VOID 
OvsInitVportWithPortParam(POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport,
                 PNDIS_SWITCH_PORT_PARAMETERS portParam);  static VOID 
OvsInitVportWithNicParam(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext, @@ -58,10 +57,6 @@ 
                 virtVport, UINT32 nicIndex);  static VOID 
                 virtVport, UINT32 nicIndex); -static NDIS_STATUS 
OvsInitVportCommon(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
-                POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport);
-static VOID OvsRemoveAndDeleteVport(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
-                POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport);
 static __inline VOID OvsWaitActivate(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
                                      ULONG sleepMicroSec);

@@ -81,15 +76,17 @@ HvOnCreatePort(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
     NdisAcquireRWLockWrite(switchContext->dispatchLock, &lockState, 0);
     vport = OvsFindVportByPortIdAndNicIndex(switchContext,
                                             portParam->PortId, 0);
-    if (vport != NULL) {
+    if (vport != NULL && !vport->hvDeleted) {
         status = STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED;
         goto create_port_done;
+    } else if (!vport) {
+        vport = (POVS_VPORT_ENTRY)OvsAllocateVport();
+        if (vport == NULL) {
+            status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+            goto create_port_done;
+        }
-    vport = (POVS_VPORT_ENTRY)OvsAllocateVport();
-    if (vport == NULL) {
-        status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES;
-        goto create_port_done;
-    }
     OvsInitVportWithPortParam(vport, portParam);
     OvsInitVportCommon(switchContext, vport);

@@ -463,23 +460,25 @@ OvsFindVportByPortNo(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
     return NULL;

 OvsFindVportByOvsName(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
-                      CHAR *name,
-                      UINT32 length)
+                      PSTR name)
     POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport;
     PLIST_ENTRY head, link;
-    UINT32 hash = OvsJhashBytes((const VOID *)name, length, OVS_HASH_BASIS);
+    UINT32 hash;
+    SIZE_T length = strlen(name) + 1;
+    hash = OvsJhashBytes((const VOID *)name, length, OVS_HASH_BASIS);
     head = &(switchContext->ovsPortNameHashArray[hash & OVS_VPORT_MASK]);
     LIST_FORALL(head, link) {
         vport = CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_VPORT_ENTRY, ovsNameLink);
-        if (vport->ovsNameLen == length &&
-            RtlEqualMemory(name, vport->ovsName, length)) {
+        if (!strcmp(name, vport->ovsName)) {
             return vport;
     return NULL;

@@ -549,7 +548,7 @@ OvsFindVportByPortIdAndNicIndex(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT 

     POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport;
@@ -559,6 +558,7 @@ OvsAllocateVport(VOID)
     RtlZeroMemory(vport, sizeof (OVS_VPORT_ENTRY));
     vport->ovsState = OVS_STATE_UNKNOWN;
+    vport->hvDeleted = FALSE;
     vport->portNo = OVS_DPPORT_NUMBER_INVALID;

@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ OvsInitPhysNicVport(POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport,

     vport->ovsState = OVS_STATE_PORT_CREATED;  } -static NDIS_STATUS
 OvsInitVportCommon(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
                    POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport)  { @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ 
OvsInitVportCommon(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,  }

-static VOID
 OvsRemoveAndDeleteVport(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
                         POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport)  { @@ -903,34 +903,6 @@ 
OvsClearAllSwitchVports(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext)

-OvsInitTunnelVport(POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport,
-                   POVS_VPORT_ADD_REQUEST addReq)
-    size_t len;
-    vport->ovsType = addReq->type;
-    vport->ovsState = OVS_STATE_PORT_CREATED;
-    RtlCopyMemory(vport->ovsName, addReq->name, OVS_MAX_PORT_NAME_LENGTH);
-    vport->ovsName[OVS_MAX_PORT_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0;
-    StringCbLengthA(vport->ovsName, OVS_MAX_PORT_NAME_LENGTH - 1, &len);
-    vport->ovsNameLen = (UINT32)len;
-    switch (addReq->type) {
-        break;
-    case OVS_VPORT_TYPE_GRE64:
-        break;
-        status = OvsInitVxlanTunnel(vport, addReq);
-        break;
-    default:
-        ASSERT(0);
-    }
-    return status;
 OvsConvertIfCountedStrToAnsiStr(PIF_COUNTED_STRING wStr,
                                 CHAR *str,
                                 UINT16 maxStrLen) diff --git 
a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.h b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.h index 
79b1c72..f4c6bfc 100644
--- a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.h
+++ b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.h
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ typedef struct _OVS_VPORT_ENTRY {
     OVS_VPORT_ERR_STATS    errStats;
     UINT32                 portNo;
     UINT32                 mtu;
+    /* ovsName is the ovs (datapath) port name - it is null terminated.
+ */
     CHAR                   ovsName[OVS_MAX_PORT_NAME_LENGTH];
-    UINT32                 ovsNameLen;

     PVOID                  priv;
     NDIS_SWITCH_PORT_ID    portId;
@@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ typedef struct _OVS_VPORT_ENTRY {
     GUID                   netCfgInstanceId;
     BOOLEAN                isExternal;
     UINT32                 upcallPid; /* netlink upcall port id */
+    PNL_ATTR               portOptions;
+    BOOLEAN                hvDeleted; /* is the hyper-v switch port deleted? */

@@ -115,9 +117,11 @@ struct _OVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT;  POVS_VPORT_ENTRY  
OvsFindVportByPortNo(struct _OVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT *switchContext,
                      UINT32 portNo);
+/* "name" is null-terminated */
-OvsFindVportByOvsName(struct _OVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT *switchContext,
-                      CHAR *name, UINT32 length);
+OvsFindVportByOvsName(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
+                      PSTR name);

 OvsFindVportByHvName(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext, PCHAR name); @@ -167,5 
+171,14 @@ OvsGetExternalMtu()  {
     return ((POVS_VPORT_ENTRY) OvsGetExternalVport())->mtu;  }
+VOID OvsRemoveAndDeleteVport(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
+                             POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport);
+NDIS_STATUS OvsInitVportCommon(POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT switchContext,
+                               POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport);

 #endif /* __VPORT_H_ */
diff --git a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vxlan.c b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vxlan.c 
index 7f94634..5c252f8 100644
--- a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vxlan.c
+++ b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vxlan.c
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include "Flow.h"
 #include "PacketParser.h"
 #include "Checksum.h"
+#include "Vport.h"

 #pragma warning( push )
 #pragma warning( disable:4127 )
@@ -50,30 +51,43 @@
 /* Move to a header file */
 extern POVS_SWITCH_CONTEXT gOvsSwitchContext;

+ * udpDestPort: the vxlan is set as payload to a udp frame. If the
+ * port of an udp frame is udpDestPort, we understand it to be vxlan.
 OvsInitVxlanTunnel(POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport,
-                   POVS_VPORT_ADD_REQUEST addReq)
+                   UINT16 udpDestPort)
     POVS_VXLAN_VPORT vxlanPort;
-    ASSERT(addReq->type == OVS_VPORT_TYPE_VXLAN);
+    NTSTATUS status;

     vxlanPort = OvsAllocateMemory(sizeof (*vxlanPort));
     if (vxlanPort == NULL) {
-    } else {
-        RtlZeroMemory(vxlanPort, sizeof (*vxlanPort));
-        vxlanPort->dstPort = addReq->dstPort;
-        /*
-         * since we are installing the WFP filter before the port is created
-         * We need to check if it is the same number
-         * XXX should be removed later
-         */
-        ASSERT(vxlanPort->dstPort == VXLAN_UDP_PORT);
-        vport->priv = (PVOID)vxlanPort;
+        return NL_ERROR_NOMEM;
-    return status;
+    RtlZeroMemory(vxlanPort, sizeof(*vxlanPort));
+    vxlanPort->dstPort = udpDestPort;
+    /*
+    * since we are installing the WFP filter before the port is created
+    * We need to check if it is the same number
+    * XXX should be removed later
+    */
+    ASSERT(vxlanPort->dstPort == VXLAN_UDP_PORT);
+    vport->priv = (PVOID)vxlanPort;
+    status = OvsInitVportCommon(gOvsSwitchContext, vport);
+    vport->ovsState = OVS_STATE_CONNECTED;
+    vport->nicState = NdisSwitchNicStateConnected;
+    /*
+     * allow the vport to be deleted, because there is no hyper-v switch part
+     */
+    vport->hvDeleted = TRUE;
+    return NL_ERROR_SUCCESS;

diff --git a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vxlan.h b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vxlan.h 
index e777933..dab5d9b 100644
--- a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vxlan.h
+++ b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vxlan.h
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ typedef struct VXLANHdr {
     UINT32   reserved2:8;
 } VXLANHdr;

-NTSTATUS OvsInitVxlanTunnel(POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport,
-                            POVS_VPORT_ADD_REQUEST addReq);
+NL_ERROR OvsInitVxlanTunnel(POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport,
+                            UINT16 udpDestPort);

 VOID OvsCleanupVxlanTunnel(POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport);


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