Oh, I've sent reply with explanations before reading this reply of yours.
Anyway, I wrote explanations there for other things as well.

From: Nithin Raju [nit...@vmware.com]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 7:43 PM
To: Samuel Ghinet
Cc: dev@openvswitch.org; Eitan Eliahu; Saurabh Shah; Ankur Sharma; Alin Serdean
Subject: Re: [PATCH v2] datapath-windows: Netlink command: vport dump

It occurred to be that the patch you sent out dumps one part at a time, and I 
was in the mindset that it should be dumping as many ports as the output buffer 
allows, and hence there's a bug.

I am OK with dumping one port at a time for now and fixing the code later after 
adding support for vport add/delete.

So, feel free to address some of the comments later.


On Sep 18, 2014, at 4:21 PM, Nithin Raju <nit...@vmware.com>

> hi Samuel,
> Thanks for sending out the changes.
> Some high level comments are:
> 1. You might have to rebase your change when Eitan's change gets checked in. 
> He has coalesced the declarations of the command handlers.
> 2. We'll have to get rid of the OvsDumpVportIoctl() sometime. We need not do 
> it in this patch itself.
> I have noted the comments inline. Pls. have a look.

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