On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 01:25:19PM -0700, Ethan Jackson wrote:
> Frequently we've run into controller bugs which result in hundreds of
> thousands, or even millions of rules being installed in an OpenFlow
> table.  This isn't something trouble-shooters naturally think of to
> check for, so it's nice to have a low rate warning message to hint at
> the potential problem.
> Signed-off-by: Ethan Jackson <et...@nicira.com>

This seems reasonable, but I find myself wondering whether something
more like the memory high watermark code would be useful even in
non-excessive situations.  In case you aren't familiar with it, that
code logs whenever the amount of memory OVS is using doubles relative to
the last reported value.  That means that you get at most a small number
of log messages (since you can't double the amount of memory very many
times before running out) but it's easy to look at the logs and spot,
within a factor of 2, how much memory OVS was using.
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