Hello guys!

Thanks for your feedback!

I will make a patch with the file renaming then!

I am totally for keeping the CamelCase, both in code, and in file names!

Saurabh, regarding this:
[QUOTE]The code can freely call platform specific routines  that don't adhere 
to the convention (for e.g. Windows library calls), and that is fine. In fact, 
it makes it easy to identify what is an "implmented functionality", and what is 
a "native platform provided functionality".[/QUOTE]

I completely understand you, but cannot agree :)

A question would be, do we want to draw Windows Kernel developers to contribute 
to the windows kernel ovs, or we want to draw linux kernel programmers to start 
writing windows kernel code?

Identifying which is "implemented" functionality and which is "API" may be a 
greater burden for newer Windows Kernel developers. But Windows Kernel 
developers would distinguish more easily between the two. And they would also 
feel very left-handed if they were to code in linux-kernel style.

We may also take some use of naming conventions to differentiate in code:
o) As you probably know, most windows kernel API functions use prefixes, such 
as Ke, Ex, Ndis, etc.
o) if we use "OVS_" prefixes for all types, symbols and macros.
These would help a lot!

From: Alin Serdean
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 12:29 AM
To: 'Saurabh Shah'; Nithin Raju
Cc: Samuel Ghinet; dev@openvswitch.org
Subject: RE: [ovs-dev] [PATCH 02/15] datapath-windows: Move and Rename files

+1 from my point of view.

-----Mesaj original-----
De la: Saurabh Shah [mailto:ssaur...@vmware.com]
Trimis: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 11:24 PM
Către: Alin Serdean; Nithin Raju
Cc: Samuel Ghinet; dev@openvswitch.org
Subiect: RE: [ovs-dev] [PATCH 02/15] datapath-windows: Move and Rename files

Not to kick off a naming/code convention war, but it would be so much better to 
have just one convention for a project. The code can freely call platform 
specific routines  that don't adhere to the convention (for e.g. Windows 
library calls), and that is fine. In fact, it makes it easy to identify what is 
an "implmented functionality", and what is a "native platform provided 

        -- Saurabh

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alin Serdean [mailto:aserd...@cloudbasesolutions.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 12:54 PM
> To: Nithin Raju
> Cc: Saurabh Shah; Samuel Ghinet; dev@openvswitch.org
> Subject: RE: [ovs-dev] [PATCH 02/15] datapath-windows: Move and Rename
> files
> I fully understand Nithin, maybe it is just me :).
> -----Mesaj original-----
> De la: Nithin Raju [mailto:nit...@vmware.com]
> Trimis: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 10:46 PM
> Către: Alin Serdean
> Cc: Saurabh Shah; Samuel Ghinet; dev@openvswitch.org
> Subiect: Re: [ovs-dev] [PATCH 02/15] datapath-windows: Move and Rename
> files
> On Aug 6, 2014, at 12:36 PM, Alin Serdean
> <aserd...@cloudbasesolutions.com>
>  wrote:
> > One another thing that comes to mind would be to have filenames in
> lowercase, but maybe that is just me.
> Alin,
> Windows seems to encourage CamelCasing. Hence we named the files as
> such.
> -- Nithin
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