On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Pravin Shelar <pshe...@nicira.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 4:47 PM, Jesse Gross <je...@nicira.com> wrote:
>> Some tunnel formats have mechanisms for indicating that packets are
>> OAM frames that should be handled specially (either as high priority or
>> not forwarded beyond an endpoint). This provides support for allowing
>> those types of packets to be matched.
> Doesn't this also need a method to configure it for a tunnel?

This wouldn't usually be configured by a user on a tunnel as a whole.
It would likely be applied selectively by ovs-vswitchd to certain
types of packets, such as liveness monitoring. Obviously, there is a
fair amount of additional wiring that can be done in userspace so my
plan here was to provide the mechanism and then increasingly take
advantage of it over time.
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