On Fri, Jun 06, 2014 at 05:13:14PM -0700, Daniele Di Proietto wrote:
> The netdev_send function has been modified to accept multiple packets, to
> allow netdev providers to amortize locking and queuing costs.
> This is especially true for netdev-dpdk.
> Later commits exploit the new API.
> Signed-off-by: Daniele Di Proietto <ddiproie...@vmware.com>

If I'm reading the patch right (it has conflicts against current
master), then netdev_linux_send() has a special case that transforms
ENOBUFS into EAGAIN but then it replaces it immediately with ENOBUFS
from errno:
            /* The Linux AF_PACKET implementation never blocks waiting for room
             * for packets, instead returning ENOBUFS.  Translate this into
             * EAGAIN for the caller. */
            if (errno == ENOBUFS) {
                error = EAGAIN;
            } else if (errno == EINTR) {
            error = errno;
If I understand the intent, I'd probably write that as:
            /* The Linux AF_PACKET implementation never blocks waiting for room
             * for packets, instead returning ENOBUFS.  Translate this into
             * EAGAIN for the caller. */
            error = errno == ENOBUFS ? EAGAIN : errno;
            if (error == EINTR) {

That jumped out at me because it was the site of a conflict, but I
didn't really read the read.  I'd appreciate a rebase and repost.
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