Hi Jesse,

2014-05-22, Jesse Gross:
>> 2014-05-19, Jesse Gross:
>> [...snip...]
>>>>> I actually have much less of a problem with including an EtherType
>>>>> from a GRE tunnel. For one thing it actually exists in the packet
>>>>> rather than being an artificial namespace. Another thing is that it is
>>>>> metadata akin to the input port that can't be reproduced from the
>>>>> packet data since it comes from the tunnel header that has been
>>>>> stripped off.
>>>> Ok.
>>>> So we would settle on preserving the ethertype in OVS_KEY_ATTR_ETHERTYPE
>>>> for non-Ethernet payloads received over GRE ?
>>> I think what I would probably do is to define a new tunnel attribute
>>> for EtherType and unconditionally include it when it is part of the
>>> protocol. This most closely reflects the format of the data and should
>>> hopefully avoid any quirks with layers or wildcards later on.
>> Two questions, to make sure we are clear on the type of genericity to
>> achieve:
>> - rules to process a packet depending on its ethertype, and process
>> packets possibly coming from Eth ports and GRE ports, would need to be
>> duplicated to test the Ethernet ethertype and the tunnel ethertype ?
> You mean at the OpenFlow layer, right? I think this could very well be
> different from what we are talking about here and would likely be
> based on EXT-112, as mentioned earlier.
> However, even with with EXT-112 I think that would be true. In the
> case of an Ethernet packet, the type would be "Ethernet", not the type
> of the L3 header.

Ok, you're correct. What is in the matching rules is a distinct issue.

>> - what about other link layers than ethernet that may have an ethertype
>> ? (thinking Infiniband at least for IP and ARP payloads, ATM too,...)
> These would presumably look more like raw Ethernet where we have a MAC
> header, then EtherType, etc.
> Tunnels are different because they are terminated before the main flow
> table. This means that anything extracted from the tunnel header is
> really metadata and not part of the payload flowing through the
> switch.

You could also consider a generic design that does not make a special 
case of tunnels, just considers them like a link layer among others, and 
just like the current implementation preserves the Ethernet header, 
preserves the tunnel header (or a part of it). You would still have some 
metadata to carry; e.g. at least the incoming port identifier, and 
eventually data from the part of the tunnel header that would not have 
been preserved (e.g. outer header IP addresses).



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