It looks like this patch still slow-paths packets until the classification is 
done.  As I stated last time[1], this is a non-starter because of the impact it 
will have on performance.  As such, I'm not going to review any patches or 
comment on future ones that do this.  If you want to integrate with OVS, you 
must find a way to classify the packets in the datapath.

If that's not possible, then I would recommend creating a local controller to 
which you send packets for classification.  You can have it program flows that 
send Packet-Ins to it until the classification is done.  Once you've determined 
the classification, you can push down a flow that applies the policy into the 
fast-path.  If you want to work with other OpenFlow controllers, you'll need to 
coordinate with them or create a Flowvisor-like proxy, though.


[1] -

On April 18, 2014 at 1:04:25 AM, Franck BAUDIN ( wrote:
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