On April 14, 2014 at 8:42:54 PM, Neelakantam Gaddam (neelugad...@gmail.com) 

> Can we have control on flow timeout in datapath in the latest 2.1 OVS
> version?

The next release will have a "max-idle" that can increase the amount of time 
flows will stay when idle.  However, ovs-vswitchd can still remove the flow 
before that time.  It's really a testing knob, though, and not meant for 
end-user configuration.  It will likely be removed in the future.

> Is there any way to modify the userspace daemon so that datapath flows stay
> longer duration?

Not without a major rewrite.  We often get this request, but haven't seen a 
compelling reason in practice.  If the default behavior isn't working properly, 
we should look at whether we can make it better.


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