On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 9:36 AM, sowmini varadhan <sowmin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> All of these versions of OVS long predate the kernel that you are
>> trying to use, so they don't support it. However, you should just be
>> able to use the version of the OVS kernel module packaged with the
>> upstream kernel that you are using (although I would still recommend
>> using a newer version of OVS userspace for performance reasons).
> Understood, but I wanted to understand what goes on under the hood
> in the datapath, possibly with perf probes, and printks. For that,
> I'd need something that was not-so-much a black-box.

The code is the same regardless of where it is from, so I'm not sure
what you mean by "black box".

> So if I just git the latest version, I should be in good shape, you say?

The upstream kernel git will work, out of tree OVS does not yet support 3.14.
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