I do the same configure command as you mentioned(in my case kernel for maguro 
device) but i cannot get the openvswitch.ko. 

I read in documentation that :

 If you wish to build the kernel module for an architecture other
   than the architecture of the machine used for the build, you may
   specify the kernel architecture string using the KARCH variable
   when invoking the configure script.  For example, to build for MIPS
   with Linux:

      % ./configure --with-linux=/path/to/linux KARCH=mips

You do not specify the flag  --with-linux. So, how did you get the kernel 
module openvswitch.ko?

Note: With your instructions, i get  libopenvswitch.a libovsdb.a libsflow.a 
except for openvswitch.ko.
Configure with --with-linux= path/to/my/kernel  flag, i get errors.

Thanks in advance,
Zoi Vasileiou

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