Hello Everyone,
I realized that the call to srand(time(NULL)) in my changes below may be 
contributing towards the same bucket being selected. Can you please tell me an 
appropriate function ( *main*()/*init*() ) to initialize the pseudo-random 
number generator (i.e. srand(time(NULL)))?
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
// for stochastic switchingstatic const struct ofputil_bucket 
*group_best_live_bucket(const struct xlate_ctx *ctx,                       
const struct group_dpif *group,                       uint32_t basis){    
uint32_t rand_num = 0, sum = 0;    const struct ofputil_bucket *bucket = NULL;  
  const struct list *buckets;
    // initialize random seed    srand(time(NULL));    // generate a number 
number in [1, 10]    rand_num = (rand() % 10) + 1;
    group_dpif_get_buckets(group, &buckets);    LIST_FOR_EACH (bucket, 
list_node, buckets) {        sum += bucket->weight;        if (rand_num <= sum) 
{            return bucket; // return this bucket        }    }
    return bucket; // return NULL}                                        
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