On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 05:12:12PM -0800, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 12:53:03PM +0900, Simon Horman wrote:
> > This reworks lookup of rules for both table 0 and table action translation.
> > The result is that Table Mod settings, which can alter the miss-behaviour
> > of tables, including table 0, on a per-table basis may be honoured.
> > 
> > Previous patches proposed by myself which build on earlier merged patches
> > by Andy Zhou implement the ofproto side of Table Mod. So with this patch
> > the feature should be complete.
> > 
> > Neither this patch, nor any other patches it builds on, alter the default
> > behaviour of Open vSwitch. And in particular the OpenFlow1.1 behaviour is
> > the default regardless of which OpenFlow version is negotiated between the
> > switch and the controller.
> > 
> > An implementation detail, which lends itself to future work, is the
> > handling of OFPTC_TABLE_MISS_CONTINUE. If a table has this behaviour set by
> > Table Mod and a miss occurs then a loop is created, skipping to the next
> > table. It is quite easy to create a situation where this loop covers ~255
> > tables which is very expensive as the lookup for each table involves taking
> > locks, amongst other things.
> > 
> > Cc: Andy Zhou <az...@nicira.com>
> > Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <ho...@verge.net.au>

Sorry for missing this and posting v6.

> This commit reads more naturally to me when we fold in the following.
> (I haven't tested it yet to make sure the tests still pass, but I
> don't intend this to change behavior.)

Thanks, I'll look at squashing it (or some variant of it that works)
into my next post.

> Reading through, what really bothers me here is the significant
> apparent code duplication between xlate_table_action() and
> rule_dpif_lookup().  Do you see a way to avoid that?

I agree that its unfortunate but it didn't seem obvious to me
how it could cleanly be avoided. I'll look over it again.

> I don't think that "resubmit" should honor OFPTC11_TABLE_MISS_*.  It
> would be pretty unexpected behavior, I think.

Thanks, I will fix that.

> I think that we need to work on stats.  OpenFlow specifies per-table
> lookup and match counts, but it looks like we squash all of them into
> a single pair of stats and attribute those to table 0.  I guess we
> need one miss_rule and one packet_in_rule per table, not just one of
> each globally.  I don't think that has to happen in this patch,
> though.

Agreed, I think there is work to be done there.

> diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
> index 8ecf4ca..fe0ca79 100644
> --- a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
> +++ b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
> @@ -2972,7 +2972,7 @@ rule_dpif_get_actions(const struct rule_dpif *rule)
>  }
>  /* Lookup 'flow' in table 0 of 'ofproto''s classifier.
> - * If 'wc' is non-null, sets * the fields that were relevant as part of
> + * If 'wc' is non-null, sets the fields that were relevant as part of
>   * the lookup. Returns the table_id where a match or miss occurred.
>   *
>   * The return value will be zero unless there was a miss and
> @@ -3080,16 +3080,13 @@ rule_dpif_lookup_from_table(struct ofproto_dpif 
> *ofproto,
>                              const struct flow *flow, struct flow_wildcards 
> *wc,
>                              uint8_t *table_id, struct rule_dpif **rule)
>  {
> -    while (1) {
> +    while (*table_id < ofproto->up.n_tables) {
>          enum ofp_table_config config;
>          if (rule_dpif_lookup_in_table(ofproto, flow, wc, *table_id, rule)) {
>              return RULE_DPIF_LOOKUP_VERDICT_MATCH;
>          }
> -        config = table_get_config(&ofproto->up, *table_id);
> -        config &= OFPTC11_TABLE_MISS_MASK;
> -
>          /* XXX
>           * This does not take into account different
>           * behaviour for different OpenFlow versions
> @@ -3100,36 +3097,25 @@ rule_dpif_lookup_from_table(struct ofproto_dpif 
> *ofproto,
>           *
>           * Instead the global default is OFPTC_TABLE_MISS_CONTROLLER
>           * which may be configured globally using Table Mod. */
> +        config = table_get_config(&ofproto->up, *table_id);
>          switch (config & OFPTC11_TABLE_MISS_MASK) {
> -        case OFPTC11_TABLE_MISS_CONTINUE: {
> -            uint8_t next_id = *table_id + 1;
> -
> -            if (next_id == TBL_INTERNAL) {
> -                next_id++;
> -            }
> -
> -            if (next_id < ofproto->up.n_tables) {
> -                /* XXX
> -                 * This may get very expensive as each call to
> -                 * rule_dpif_lookup_in_table() and table_get_config() is
> -                 * expensive and this may occur up to approximately
> -                 * ofproto->up.n_tables times. */
> -                *table_id = next_id;
> -                continue;
> -            }
> -            /* Fall through to OFPTC_TABLE_MISS_CONTROLLER
> -             * as this is the last table in the pipeline */
> -        }
> +        case OFPTC11_TABLE_MISS_CONTINUE:
> +            break;
>          case OFPTC11_TABLE_MISS_DROP:
>              return RULE_DPIF_LOOKUP_VERDICT_DROP;
> -        default:
> -            OVS_NOT_REACHED();
> +        }
> +
> +        /* Go on to next table. */
> +        ++*table_id;
> +        if (*table_id == TBL_INTERNAL) {
> +            ++*table_id;
>          }
>      }
> +    /* We fell off the  */
>  }
>  /* Given a port configuration (specified as zero if there's no port), chooses
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