On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 12:00:46AM +0000, Pritesh Kothari (pritkoth) wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> > -    static const struct tnl_match_pattern patterns[] = {
> > -        { false, false, IP_SRC_CFG },  /* remote_ip, local_ip, in_key. */
> > -        { false, false, IP_SRC_ANY },  /* remote_ip, in_key. */
> > -        { true,  false, IP_SRC_CFG },  /* remote_ip, local_ip. */
> > -        { true,  false, IP_SRC_ANY },  /* remote_ip. */
> > -        { true,  true,  IP_SRC_ANY },  /* Flow-based remote. */
> > -        { true,  true,  IP_SRC_FLOW }, /* Flow-based everything. */
> It was lot easier to add specific matches in match pattern here when a tunnel
> parameter or two gets added. for example when i added nsp and nsi as [1]
> parameters i could add 8 matches here bringing the total to 12+8 = 20 matches.

To me, a list of 20 matches sounds unmaintainable.

> but now here i can?t actually select specific matches there by only
> giving me option to add (2 * 2 * 3) * 2 * 2 = 48 cases, when i add two
> new parameters.

What's wrong with having 48 cases?  I think it's what we should do.

> any insight into this would be greatly appreciated, alternatively i was 
> thinking
> of adding the code shown below, outside the outer most for loop in tnl_find
> to add the 8 matches mentioned above, but then tnl_match_map can?t exactly
> differentiate these cases from original 12 above, so not sure about it.
>     for (in_key_flow = 0; in_key_flow < 2; in_key_flow++) {
>         for (in_nsp_flow = 0; in_nsp_flow < 2; in_nsp_flow++) {
>             for (in_nsi_flow = 0; ip_nsi_flow < 2; ip_nsi_flow++) {

We probably don't want so many nested loops--48 tests is wasteful.  I'd
suggest instead maintaining a uint64_t with a 1-bit in each position
where there is any match, and then iterating through the 1-bits with
bitwise functions.
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