Sorry, that was an honest mistake. Let's say I want to tweak push_vlan to
add a new tag, even if theres an existing one-
I saw that there's a check to see if there's a vlan header on the frame and
if so, it 'pushes down' the current header, creating space for a new one.
If I drop it, will a new header get created?

I'm trying to figure out which code I need to tweak in order to support,
even partially, two vlan headers. (I only want to access the outer one,
never the inner).

After that I can start working on a full implementation. Any thoughts?


On Wednesday, January 1, 2014, Jesse Gross wrote:

> Please don't drop the mailing list.
> You are correct that's it's not currently possible to do this. All
> that I'm saying is that there is no existing working patch.
> On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Oded Lazar <<javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> > Oh. Umm... The thing is that I have a frame that has a vlan header and I
> > need to add another one on top. Current ovs implementations don't allow
> such
> > thing, right? (ovs-ofctl push_vlan keeps changing my vlan header instead
> of
> > adding a new one)
> >
> > That's why I wanted to get into implementing QinQ.
> >
> >
> > On Wednesday, January 1, 2014, Jesse Gross wrote:
> >>
> >> On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 2:30 AM, Oded Lazar 
> >> <<javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> >> > Hey guys,
> >> > I'm Looking into implementing QinQ in OVS and I read in the mailing
> >> > lists
> >> > that a patch has already been created and Ravi/Jesse stopped working
> on
> >> > it
> >> > about a year ago. I want to port it to OVS 2.x and hopefully commit
> it.
> >>
> >> I doubt there is any benefit in starting from that code. It was never
> >> reviewed at all, it depends on code that was never committed, and many
> >> other things have changed in the mean time.
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