The command ovs-dpctl can wrongly output the masks even if the
datapath does not implement mega flows. In this case the output
will be similar to the following:

        lookups: hit:14 missed:41 lost:0
        flows: 0
        masks: hit:18446744073709551615 total:4294967295
        port 0: ovs-system (internal)
        port 1: gre_system (gre: df_default=false, ttl=0)
        port 2: ots-br0 (internal)
        port 3: int0 (internal)
        port 4: vnet0
        port 5: vnet1

The problem depends on the fact that n_masks stats is stored as a
uint32 in the struct ovs_dp_megaflow_stats and as a uint64 in the
struct dpif_dp_stats. UINT32_MAX instead of UINT64_MAX should be
used to detect if the datapath supports megaflows or not.

Signed-off-by: Francesco Fusco <>
 lib/dpif-netdev.c     | 2 +-
 lib/dpif.h            | 2 +-
 utilities/ovs-dpctl.c | 4 ++--
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/dpif-netdev.c b/lib/dpif-netdev.c
index 1b0039c..2185911 100644
--- a/lib/dpif-netdev.c
+++ b/lib/dpif-netdev.c
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ dpif_netdev_get_stats(const struct dpif *dpif, struct 
dpif_dp_stats *stats)
     stats->n_hit = dp->n_hit;
     stats->n_missed = dp->n_missed;
     stats->n_lost = dp->n_lost;
-    stats->n_masks = UINT64_MAX;
+    stats->n_masks = UINT32_MAX;
     stats->n_mask_hit = UINT64_MAX;
diff --git a/lib/dpif.h b/lib/dpif.h
index 6db6ad3..aee935c 100644
--- a/lib/dpif.h
+++ b/lib/dpif.h
@@ -387,9 +387,9 @@ struct dpif_dp_stats {
     uint64_t n_missed;          /* Number of flow table misses. */
     uint64_t n_lost;            /* Number of misses not sent to userspace. */
     uint64_t n_flows;           /* Number of flows present. */
-    uint64_t n_masks;           /* Number of mega flow masks. */
     uint64_t n_mask_hit;        /* Number of mega flow masks visited for
                                    flow table matches. */
+    uint32_t n_masks;           /* Number of mega flow masks. */
 int dpif_get_dp_stats(const struct dpif *, struct dpif_dp_stats *);
diff --git a/utilities/ovs-dpctl.c b/utilities/ovs-dpctl.c
index 78475e7..3766f8a 100644
--- a/utilities/ovs-dpctl.c
+++ b/utilities/ovs-dpctl.c
@@ -563,11 +563,11 @@ show_dpif(struct dpif *dpif)
         printf("\tlookups: hit:%"PRIu64" missed:%"PRIu64" lost:%"PRIu64"\n"
                "\tflows: %"PRIu64"\n",
                stats.n_hit, stats.n_missed, stats.n_lost, stats.n_flows);
-        if (stats.n_masks != UINT64_MAX) {
+        if (stats.n_masks != UINT32_MAX) {
             uint64_t n_pkts = stats.n_hit + stats.n_missed;
             double avg = n_pkts ? (double) stats.n_mask_hit / n_pkts : 0.0;
-            printf("\tmasks: hit:%"PRIu64" total:%"PRIu64" hit/pkt:%.2f\n",
+            printf("\tmasks: hit:%"PRIu64" total:%"PRIu32" hit/pkt:%.2f\n",
                    stats.n_mask_hit, stats.n_masks, avg);

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